The Master Chef Help System Table Of Contents Getting Started Using Master Menu Options: About Statistics Register Recipe Load Edit Sort Print Plan Load Edit Print Schedule Edit Load Create Sort Print List Edit Create Print --------------- Common Items Ingredients Edit Sort Misc Courses Meals Categories Stores Exchanges Measurements Types (Meas) Units (Meas) Equivalents Utilities Equiv Calc Configure Special Options Colors Printer Select Printer Printer Codes Forms Recipe Cards Recipes Full Page Recipe List Brief Meal Plan Detailed Meal Plan Brief Schedule Detailed Schedule Brief Shopping List Detailed Shopping List Behind the Scenes This menu item provides you with some background information on Master Chef, as well as a means to conveniently fill out and print your registration form. & The options available from here are: About About Master Chef Statistics Current operating statistics Register On-line registration form Master Chef has been designed to be an integrated tool to manage recipes, plan diets, schedule meals, and prepare shopping lists. It can assist you with the tedious chores involved in planning and managing your kitchen. M Integrated means that each of the different parts of Master Chef work together. The recipes you create are used in the meal schedule, and the meal schedule is used to create the shopping list. Of course, there are many other features that take Master Chef to new levels of convenience and sophistication for kitchen management. S See Getting Started for a general overview of Master Chef and how to get started. P See the Table Contents for information on specific options of Master Chef. ` See How Use for more information on the details of the mechanics of how the program works. Return Table Contents Master Chef Statistics The Statistics box shows how many of each item is currently loaded in Master Chef. The items quantities shown are: Memory Available Recipes Ingredients Schedules Equivalencies Measure Types Measure Units Shopping List Items Common Items Also reported are the current filenames for 0 Recipe File Meal Plan Meal Schedule Finally, the current data path used is displayed. Return Table Contents Ingredients This option allows you to view, add, edit and delete ingredients used in Master Chef. The options available are: Edit Sort Master Chef has a practical limit of about 1000 ingredients, depending on how much conventional memory you have available on your computer, how many recipes the current file has, and the number of days in your meal schedule. Return Table Contents Ingredients This option will allow you to add, edit, or delete ingredients used in Master Chef. You will be able to define the nutrient content, recipe measurement, store measurment, store name, store location, and price of the item. Return Table Contents Sort Selecting this option will cause Master Chef to sort the Ingredients. This, in many cases, will allow Master Chef to find the Ingredient information faster when you pick a Ingredient to view, edit, or delete. It will also speed up the Auto Scheduler and the Shopping List creation. ) Sorting is not necessary for Master Chef to operate properly, but can speed things up a bit. The only trade off is that you may have a bit of waiting to do while Master Chef sorts the Ingredients. How long this will take depends on how fast your computer is and how many ingredients you have. Return Table Contents Misc Items This option allows you to add, delete, and edit various pieces of information used in Master Chef. These are: Courses Meals Categories Stores Exchanges Measurements Types Units Equivalents Return Table Contents Courses This options allows you to add, edit, and delete names that will be used throughout Master Chef, primarily in the meal plan. Return Table Contents Meals This options allows you to add, edit, and delete names that will be used throughout Master Chef, primarily in the meal plan. Return Table Contents Categories This option will allow you to add, edit, or delete the names of the categories available for use with recipes. S The category is simply a word that allows you to group similar recipes together. Return Table Contents Courses This options allows you to add, edit, and delete store names that will be used throughout Master Chef, primarily in the ingredients, common items, and shopping list items. Return Table Contents Exchanges This option will allow you to change the names of the food exchanges used in Master Chef. You will also be able to change the proportions of protein, fat, and carbohydrates each exchange represents. Return Table Contents Measurment This option has three sub-options that allow you to define the basic fundamental measurement units of Master Chef. Since these items are so critical to the proper operation of Master Chef, you are cautioned about this with a warning dialog box before allowing you to proceed with the option. The options available are Types Units Equivalents Return Table Contents Types This option will allow you to redefine the basic measurement types used in Master Chef. All measurements in Master Chef are based on what type they are ( such as Dry Volume, Liquid Volume, Weight, etc.). These various types allow Master Chef to know how to convert a measurement from one form to another, or to know when it is not appropriate. Since these items are so critical to the proper operation of Master Chef, you are cautioned about this with a warning dialog box before allowing you to proceed with the option. Return Table Contents Units This option will allow you to redefine the various measurment units used for all measurements in Master Chef. All Measurements in Master Chef are defined by both the type (liquid volume, weight, etc.) and the unit (cup, oz, tbsp, etc.). Every measurement unit used for ingredients, shopping lists, serving sizes, etc. are maintained here. Since these items are so critical to the proper operation of Master Chef, you are cautioned about this with a warning dialog box before allowing you to proceed with the option. Return Table Contents Equivalents This option will allow you to edit the equivalency table used in Master Chef. i The equivalency table is the place where the relationship between all related measurements is defined. For example, this is where Master Chef goes to find out that 3 teaspoons liquid volume is equal to 1 tablespoon liquid volume. Since these items are so critical to the proper operation of Master Chef, you are cautioned about this with a warning dialog box before allowing you to proceed with the option. Return Table Contents Recipes This option allows you to view, add, edit, delete, and print recipes used in Master Chef. - The recipe managment options available are: * Load Edit Sort Print Master Chef has a practical limit of about 1000 recipes, depending on how much conventional memory you have available on your computer, how many ingredients you have, and the number of days in your schedule. Return Table Contents Load Master Chef allows you to keep as many different recipe files as will fit on your disk. The Load option allows you to specify which of those files you wish to work with. Once you specify a file to work with, Master Chef works with that file until you select another one. J You can either enter a new name, or pick from a list of existing ones. B See New Recipe File for details. Return Table Contents Edit This option shows you a list of the recipes in the file you have selected to use, and allows you to pick the recipe you wish to either add, delete, or edit. The edit option also allows you to change which recipes appear in the list, by selecting recipes according to their category, course and meal types, and ingredient. Return Table Contents Sort Selecting this option will cause Master Chef to sort all the recipes in the file. This in many cases will allow Master Chef to find the recipe information faster when you pick a recipe to view, edit, or print. It will also speed up the Auto Scheduler and the Shopping List creation. - Sorting is not necessary for Master Chef to operate properly, but can speed things up a bit. The only trade off is that you may have a bit of waiting to do while Master Chef sorts the recipes. How long this will take depends on how fast your computer is and how many recipes you have in the file. Return Table Contents Print Selecting this option will allow you to print recipes that you select. Return Table Contents Meal Plan The meal plan options will allow you to work with the meal plan used by Master Chef to manage the meal schedule. The meal plan defines the names of the meals and courses to be served in the schedule, and the number of food exchanges for each meal. / The various options available to do this are: Load Edit Print Return Table Contents Load Master Chef allows you to keep as many different meal plans as will fit on your disk. The Load option allows you to specify which of those plans you wish to work with. Once you specify a plan to work with, Master Chef uses it until you select another one. J You can either enter a new name, or pick from a list of existing ones. Return Table Contents Edit This option allows you to view and make changes to the meal plan. Return Table Contents Print This option allows you to print the contents of the meal plan. Return Table Contents Meal Schedule This option allows you to do all the work necessary to effectively manage your meal schedule. The options available are: 0 Edit Load Create Sort Print In addition to these options, an additional option is available to allow you to adjust the start date and length. Return Table Contents Load Master Chef allows you to keep as many different meal schedules as will fit on your disk. The Load option allows you to specify which of those schedules you wish to work with. Once you specify a schedule to work with, Master Chef uses it until you select another one. J You can either enter a new name, or pick from a list of existing ones. Return Table Contents Create With this option you will be able to create a new schedule, completely removing all existing information from the schedule and starting over. The starting date and length of the schedule are determined from the information entered using the Config option. The current schedule name will be used (the one selected with Schedule Load). Return Table Contents Edit This option allows you to view and make necessary changes to the schedule, either manually changing things or using the Auto Schedule feature. Return Table Contents Sort Selecting this option will cause Master Chef to sort all the schedules days in the schedule in the file that resides on your disk. The list you see on the screen will always be sorted by the date, but this is not necessarily so for the information stored on the disk. Sorting the information on the disk will in many cases will allow Master Chef to find the schedule information faster when you pick a schedule to view, edit, or print. It will also speed up the Auto Scheduler and the Shopping List creation. 0 Sorting is not necessary for Master Chef to operate properly, but can speed things up a bit. The only trade off is that you may have a bit of waiting to do while Master Chef sorts the schedule. How long this will take depends on how fast your computer is and how many days you have in the schedule. Return Table Contents Print This option allows you to print all or parts of the meal schedule. Return Table Contents Configure This option allows you to setup the starting date of the schedule, as well as its length (number of days). Return Table Contents Shopping List The Shopping List options will allow you to manange the Shopping List created by Master Chef. The Shopping List contains all of the ingredients used to make all of the recipes scheduled in the Meal Schedule. It can also contain other items needed. The various options available to do this are: Load Edit Print Return Table Contents Create This option will cause Master Chef to analyze the meal schedule and build a shopping list from it. It extracts all of the ingredient items from all of the recipes scheduled and combines common items, adds up the total quantities required, and organizes them into a convenient list. Return Table Contents Edit This option allows you to view and make changes to the Shopping List. Return Table Contents Print This option allows you to print the contents of the Shopping List. Return Table Contents Common Items Common items are items that you regularly need to remember to get when shopping, but may not show up on the shopping list from the recipes scheduled in the meal schedule. > This option allows you to add, edit, and delete these items. Return Table Contents Utilities This option will allow you to make changes to some of the basic features of Master Chef. The things that you will be able to change are: j Equiv Configure Special Options Colors Printer Select Printer Printer Codes Forms Recipe Cards Recipes Recipe Brief Detailed Brief Schedule Detailed Schedule Brief Shopping Detailed Shopping Return Table Contents Equiv Calc This option will bring up the Equivalency Calculator, which is dialog box which will allow you to enter a measurement and view all measurements equivalent to it. Return Table Contents Configure This option has several sub-options which allow you to configure ( setup) Master Chef to work the way you want it to. The sub-options available are: 6 Special Options Colors Printer Forms Return Table Contents Special Options This option allows you to configure (setup) the place where Master Chef looks for the data files it uses. It also lets you define when it is to reduce measurments, and the formats for dates and quantities. Return Table Contents Colors This option will allow you to change the colors used to display all of the various windows, dialog boxes, and other things used in the program. + See Configure Screen Colors for details. Return Table Contents Printer This option has two sub-options which will allow you to define your printer to Master Chef. The options available are: $ Select Printer Printer Codes Return Table Contents Printer Codes This option will allow you to configure your printer to properly print out the various reports available to you. This is where specifie printer codes are entered to setup your printer if you do not wish to use the codes provided by Select Printer, or your printer does not appear in that list. Return Table Contents Select Printer This option will allow you to select your printer from a list of available printers to define the printer control codes needed by Master Chef to control your printer. Return Table Contents Forms This option has several sub-options which allow you to define the details of how Master Chef will print the various forms available. The forms available are: Recipe Cards Recipes Full Page Recipe List Brief Meal Plan Detailed Meal Plan Brief Schedule Detailed Schedule Brief Shopping List Detailed Shopping List Return Table Contents Form Setup This option allows you to setup the various features of the form. The features that can be set are: Printer Initialization Code Line Spacing Character Width Form width Form length Left margin Top margin Print Destination Items per form A form is one of the available things that Master Chef will print for you, specifically: Recipe Cards Recipes Full Page Recipe List Brief Meal Plan Detailed Meal Plan Brief Schedule Detailed Schedule Brief Shopping List Detailed Shopping List Return Table Contents Getting Started Sometimes it is difficult to know where to begin when first trying a new software package. This true of any package, no matter how simple or how complicated. There always is some sort of learning curve associated with it. Here we hope to "level out" that learning curve by getting you focused on the most important items of the program, and directing you to the items you need to do first. Ready To Go Master Chef, while it is extremely versatile, and has many options that are changeable by the user, is configured to be "ready to go" out of the box (or off of the distribution disk). Only a few minor things need to be setup prior to a complete evaluation of the program. Once you are up to speed, then you explore more of the deeper features of the program and see how powerful it really is. Master Chef Operation \ The basic overall operation of Master Chef can be described as having 4 major operations: _ 1 Enter Recipes 2 Select A Meal Plan 3 Create Schedule 4 Create Shopping List Recipes are the main major building blocks of the program. With recipes (how to make what to eat), you can create a meal schedule ( when and what you will eat) with a meal plan (the structure of the schedule, and then with that you can create a shopping list (what you need to buy in order to make what you are going to eat). Simple as that! Now we will take you through a number of simple steps to familiarize you with the program. I S t e p O n e Getting familiar with the way the program works - F1 While Master Chef has been written to use many convenient methods of displaying and controlling the information available, it would be beneficial to you to review the help screens dealing with the various parts of the program (windows, dialog boxes, scroll bars, etc.) to become familiar with how they work. Once you gain that familiarity, it will be much easier for you to navigate your way through the program and understand the various terms and phrases used. To review that material now, press the RETURN key now. Remember also, the help system is designed to get you the help you need on whatever topic you wish. The help system takes you directly to the topic of interest just by pressing the F1 key from wherever you are in the program. If there are related topics which might be of interest to you, the help system provides the means to easily jump to that topic and see that information. " S t e p T w o Recipes - F2 The first thing you will want to do is take a look at the recipes. Master Chef comes with a sample recipe file containing a number of recipes which demonstrate its features. To look at the available recipes, press the F2 key. ! You will see a list of recipe names. These are the names of the recipes available in the currently selected recipe file (Master Chef can handle many recipe files). From here you will probably want to look at some of them. You can do this by clicking the left mouse button twice rapidly while the mouse cursor is on the desired recipe name. (This is called "double clicking"). You can also select the recipe by highlighting the name of one of them and clicking the left mouse button on the " Edit" button at the bottom of the dialog box. You will then see a part of the recipe in a dialog box, with the other parts available by clicking on any of the three appropriate buttons at the bottom of the box. Once you are done looking at recipes, press the ESC key until you are back at the main menu (nothing covering the main background screen). S t e p T h r e e Select Plan - Alt-F3 Master Chef comes with a number of pre-defined meal plans that you can use. The meal plan is like the blueprint for the meal schedule. It defines what meals you will have each day and which courses you will have each meal. It also defines a target number of food exchanges for each course and meal. Using the meal plan, you provide the basic skeleton necessary to create a meal schedule. To select a meal plan from those available, press the Alt key and the F3 key together. You will see a dialog box appear with the name of a meal plan underneath the "New File Name" label. To see the complete list of available meal plans, press the down arrow key. A new list box will appear with the available names. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight one that looks good. Then press the RETURN key. Press the RETURN key again to load the new meal plan. You are now ready to use this meal plan for the next step. If you want to look at what the meal plan looks like, press the F3 key. When you are done looking at it, press the ESC key. ( S t e p F o u r Schedules - F4 Press the F4 key to bring up a list of dates for a meal schedule that has been prepared. If this is the first time running Master Chef, a message box will appear telling you that a schedule does not exist, and asking you if one should be created. Just press RETURN (this tells Master Chef yes). You will then see another dialog box with a date in it (should be today's date), and another line with the number 7 in it. Just press RETURN here as well. Master Chef will create a 7 day meal schedule starting with todays date. Now that the list of dates is showing, you can see what meals have been scheduled by double clicking the left mouse button on the date of choice, or doing a single click on the date and another one on the "Edit" button. A second dialog box will appear showing the names of the meals planned for this day, as well as some other buttons. To view the contents of one of the meals, double click on it. e A third dialog box will appear showing more information about the selected meal including the courses scheduled, the recipes scheduled for each course, and the number of servings to be served. If you are curious about what all that means, read the appropriate sections of the user guide (not everything is automatic), or the online help for that piece. At this point, there will be no recipes scheduled. You can do this automatically by pressing the "AutoSchedule" button. Master Chef will automatically select appropriate recipes for the meal schedule, which you may then edit to your specific needs. 6 Press ESC enough times to get back to the Main Menu. ( S t e p F i v e Shopping List - F5 Press the F5 key to view the shopping list. If this is the first time running Master Chef, a message box will appear telling you that a shopping list does not exist, and asking you if you if one should be created. Just press RETURN here. Master Chef will dutifully create a new shopping list, based on the schedule you just created, and using the recipes in the recipe file. Now that the shopping list is showing, you can see the names of all the items it will take to prepare all of the recipes scheduled in the meal schedule. To look at a shopping list item, just double click on one of them. A new dialog box will appear with details about the item. Check it out! ; Now press ESC enough times to get back to the main menu. , S t e p S i x Setting Up the Printer The final major thing you want to do before pulling up your sleeves and digging into the user guide and help screens is to select the printer that you will be using with Master Chef (assuming you have a printer). First select the "Utilities" option from the main menu. Then select the "Configure" option. Next select the "Printer" option, Finally, select the "Select Printer" option. You will now see a list of printers that is available for use with Master Chef. Find your printer, or one that your printer emulates (acts like) and then press the "Select" button, (or double click on it). T You will then be ready to do most of the basic printing available in Master Chef. 3 S t e p S e v e n Have fun with Master Chef. S t e p E i g h t Register! User Interface Details This program is built with many user friendly features that make using it simple. Among them are: uncomplicated "pull-down" menuing system "windows" based screen display Mouse Awareness Dialog Boxes Message Boxes program Status simple-to-use informative system Each of these features provide the means to get the information to you simply and to allow you to enter information efficiently and effortlessly. To get information on any of the specific topics shown, just press the Tab key until the desired topic is highlighted, and then press the ENTER key. You may also move the mouse cursor to the item for which you want < Return Getting Started Return Table Contents Using A Mouse The user interface is made simple and powerful by the use of a mouse. The mouse provides the mechanism to rapidly point to something on the screen and tell the program to perform certain operations. When the mouse is available to use, (by having the proper mouse driver installed and the mouse connected properly) a rectangular square will be visible on the screen. This rectangle is called the "mouse cursor" and moves around on the screen as you move your mouse. Moving this mouse cursor to the points of interest on the screen is your way of telling the program what you are interested in. Pressing the left mouse button tells the program to do something, depending on what is visible on the screen and where the mouse cursor is when you press the button. Other areas of the on-line help describe what will happen when you use the mouse in particular ways with particular things on the screen. Throughout the program documentation and these help screens you will see references to the use of the mouse, but may not refer specifically to the mouse cursor or the buttons on the mouse. Instead, you will be told to " click on ...". This always means to position the mouse cursor to the ( whatever it is) on the screen by moving the mouse until it is on top of the item of interest, then press the LEFT mouse button. This is the major method of using the mouse to interact with the program. B See also double clicking Return Table Contents Using the MENU system. The menu system provides a convenient and simple way to get to each of the different options available. Please note that the menu system is only available when there's nothing else happening in the program. For example, if you are in the middle of editing something, the menu system won't work because non of the main menu options are available to use. You must be completed with any of the main menu options available before selecting another one. [ There are a number of ways to access the options in the menu system. Let's explore them: Shortcut Keys First of all, notice that each of the options at the top of the screen has one of its letters displayed in a different color. That letter is known as the "shortcut" letter. This letter is kind of a "hot" letter which will access that particular option when you use the ALT key along with that shortcut letter. For example, to access the Edit option, you would press the ALT key at the same time you press the E key. This will open up the Edit sub-menu with all of its options. F10 Key ! By pressing the F10 key you gain access to all of the main menu options shown on the top line of the screen. One of the options shown will become highlighted. To access that option, just press the RETURN key. You will then see the sub-menu options that are available from that option. If however, you desired to access one of the other options, you may use the left or right arrow keys to change the highlighted option. You may also press the shortcut key as described above. Once you have the sub-menu options displayed, you may again press the appropriate shortcut key to select the desired option. You may also use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the option and then press the RETURN key to select it. Mouse o Finally, you can simply click the left mouse button while the mouse cursor is on top of the desired option. Return Table Contents Working with the Windows. All of the work done in this program is done in one form of window or another. Windows (not to be confused with Microsoft Windows (R)) have a few features in common which make them easy to work with, such as the ability to be moved around on the screen and closed. Some, such as the help window, are resizable. * Windows are simply boxes on the screen which contain groups of related information. They have a double line frame around them and usually show a shadow over any window or text beneath them. This gives a visual effect which is pleasing to the eye and organizes information into easy-to-use chunks. # A typical window looks like this: x Close Zoom box box V V Title Bar ^ Scroll Bars Closing Windows 9 Closing a window means to stop doing whatever the window was doing and make it disappear from the screen. Most windows can be closed by clicking the left mouse button while the mouse cursor is on the little block positioned at the upper left corner of the window frame ( seen as the " close box" in the above diagram). A window can also be closed by pressing the ESC key or one of the other buttons in the window \ ( such as the Done or Cancel buttons, as covered in more detail below). Some windows are designed not to be closeable since it is important for proper operation of the program to remain open, such as they have information which is important to remain displayed (such as the Print Manager message box). These will not have the close box displayed in the upper left hand corner of the window frame. Moving Windows M Most windows are designed so that you can move them around on the screen. This is done with the mouse. To move a window, just position the mouse cursor some- where along the top frame of the window (not on the close block though) and press AND HOLD the left mouse button down. While holding it down, move the mouse. The window will move with the mouse. When it is in the desired position, release the left button. In most cases moving windows is not necessary, but there may be some situations where you wish to see what was on the underneath window and this will enable you to do this. Resizing Windows Most of the windows used in this program are not resizeable, since it would not make sense to do so. But at least in the case of the help window, resizing is sometimes helpful, since the help system is basically a text display system and some of the text displays are wider than the standard help window. You can tell if a window is resizable or not by looking for a little up arrow in the upper right corner of the window frame (seen as the "zoom box" in the above diagram). This is your clue that the window can be resized. You can make the window full screen size by clicking on that arrow. If you desire to again make it the original smaller size, just click on the double arrow which shows in the same spot. You can also custom size it by positioning the mouse cursor on the very lower right corner of the window ( ) and then pressing AND HOLDING the left mouse button. Then as you move the mouse, the window size will follow. When the window is the desired size, release the mouse button. Return Table Contents Working with Dialog Boxes Dialog boxes are simply specialized types of windows used to display and input information. A dialog box consists of a variety of different parts which make this possible. These parts include: Buttons Input lines Date Lines Pick Lines Static Labels Text Editor Scroll List Boxes Radio Buttons Check Boxes Each of these items, when used in a dialog box, can be selected for use by one of several methods. { One method is to click on the item with the left mouse button when the mouse cursor is positioned somewhere on the item. Each item shown in a dialog box has a label associated with it. You will notice that there is a different colored letter within the label. This is the shortcut letter. You can select a desired item by pressing either ALT and the shortcut letter or the letter alone. You will need to use the ALT key with a shortcut letter if you have something that is expecting regular letters to be inputted (such as an input line). Finally, you can select different items in a dialog box by pressing the TAB key or the SHIFT and TAB keys. This will step the focus (item of interest or the one that will operate with the RETURN key) from one item to the next in the dialog box. f Once the item desired is highlighted by using one of these methods, you are ready to use that item. NOTE: You may be tempted to press the RETURN key when you are done entering information into an input line or using one of the other items in a dialog box. This will probably result in more than you expected. Not only will you be indicating to the program that you are done inputting this line, but you will also be indicating to the program that you wish to take the default action defined by one of the buttons in the dialog box (see buttons for information on what default actions are). In some cases this may be to Edit whatever is selected. In other cases, it will be to indicate that you are done with the dialog box and it will close on you because the default button was the DONE button. Summary: Don't press the RETURN key unless you want to perform the default action of the dialog box. This is probably the biggest difference between the way the windows and dialog boxes work in this program and the way older programs worked. Return Table Contents Buttons Buttons are used primarily to allow you to tell the program to do some pre- programmed action, such as Edit, Delete, Scale, Convert or something. Each button consists of a small box with a text label on it and a shadow around it. In each dialog box, there is usually one "default" button and other " normal" buttons. A default button is one which is automatically selected when you press the RETURN key if you have not selected some other button. Like the menu and other parts of the program, buttons can be selected (highlighted) by any of the three methods described above (Shortcut key, TAB, or mouse). To "press" a button, you can press the ALT key along with the shortcut key shown on the button. You can press RETURN with the appropriate button selelcted. Finally, you can position the mouse cursor on the button and press the left mouse button. Notice that as you press and hold the mouse button, the screen button "shadow" goes away, along with its position shifting to the right, giving the effect of having depressed it. When the mouse button is released, the button action will take effect. If you have pressed a button and have not yet released the mouse button, and for some reason do not wish to continue with that action, you can move the mouse cursor off of the button BEFORE RELEASING THE MOUSE BUTTON. This will cancel the button press. Return Table Contents Input Lines Input lines are used to allow you to enter information directly from the keyboard. If an input line is selected and there is existing information, it will be displayed as "selected text". This means that if you press any key except the HOME, END, left arrow, or right arrow, the existing text will be deleted and you will be able to reenter new information from scratch. If, however, you wish to just edit what is there, just move the cursor with the arrow keys to the point you wish to edit. You will notice that the color changes to the normal text color and you can now add to or delete characters from what is there. In some cases, the length of the information you can enter into an input line will be longer than the box displayed on the screen. When this occurs, an arrow will appear at either end of the input box indicating the information in the box is longer than the what is displayed. If you position the mouse cursor on the arrow and press the left mouse button, the text will scroll across the box. You may also use either the left or right arrow keys to position the cursor to the proper point in the text to continue editing. When you are done using an input line, you can move to the next one by one of the three methods described in Working Dialogs (shortcut keys, TAB or mouse). Return Table Contents Static Text Static Text is simply text that does not have any "action" attached to it and is used to just display information in the dialog box. Return Table Contents Labels Labels are used to make it possible to select various items in a dialog box for use. For example, Input Lines (described above) usually have a label associated with them. Within the label is the shortcut key which can be used to select the desired input line for use. The label can also be used to select the desired item with the other two selection methods (TAB key and the mouse). Return Table Contents Scroll Bars Scroll bars are devices used to allow you select or identify one item out of many. Sometimes it is used to change a value of some piece of information. A scroll bar is made up of three basic parts: the slider bar, the slider, and the direction arrows. They will look something like this: Slider Slider Bar Direction Arrow The direction arrows are attached to each end of the slider bar, and the slider moves along the slider bar. h There are several ways to move the slider (and thus control the item the scroll bar is attached to). One way is to use the arrow keys (up and down for vertical scroll bars, and left and right for horizontal scroll bars). Holding the CTRL key down while pressing an arrow key will make the slider move in larger increments. L You may also move the slider by positioning the mouse cursor on one of the direction arrows at the ends of the scroll bar and pressing the left mouse button. The slider will move in the direction selected (and will change the associated item). Release the mouse button when the slider and information is in the desired position. If you position the mouse cursor on the slider bar (between the slider and the direction arrow) and press the left mouse button the slider will move in greater increments (the same as pressing the CTRL and arrow keys). You may manually position the slider by positioning the mouse cursor on the slider and while PRESSING AND HOLDING the left mouse button, moving the mouse (and thus the slider) to the desired position and then releasing the mouse button. Return Table Contents Date Lines Date lines are a special breed of input lines. They look somewhat like an input line in that it has text within the text box, and it has a label attached to it. But it is a special input box because the only text it contains is a date. You cannot edit this date with the keyboard like you can edit the text of a normal input line. To change the date, you must first make sure that the date line is selected by using one of the three methods available to select items within a dialog box (shortcut key, TAB, and mouse click). Once selected, you may change the date by pressing any key except TAB, F10, or RETURN. You may also double-click the left mouse button while the mouse cursor is on the date. When you do this, a small calendar appears in a dialog box, with the date highlighted in it. You may use this to select the desired date. Return Table Contents Pick Lines Pick lines are a special kind of input lines. They look somewhat like an input line in that it contains text and has an associated label. Once selected and activated (by pressing any key) however, an additional feature is revealed, which is a list box. This list box contains all of the choices available to be placed into the associated input line. Instead of typing the information directly into the input line, you select from the list box. The list box closes when you select the desired item from the list or press ESC or click on the close box ( Return Table Contents Text Editors The text editor box provides the means to edit, like a small word processor, a piece of text larger than an input line. It allows you to move around within the text, insert new text, delete old text, and generally make changes to the text as you need to. There are special keys that provide the means to do this work. Here is a list of the various special keys available and what they do: ~ Key Action Text Editing Keys: RETURN Insert new line. BACKSPACE Remove the character that is to the left of the cursor. DELETE Remove the character that is at the cursor position. CTRL Y Removes the entire line that the cursor is on. Cursor Movement Keys: LEFT ARROW Move cursor one character to the left. RIGHT ARROW Move cursor one character to the right. UP ARROW Move cursor up one line. DOWN ARROW Move cursor down one line. CTRL RIGHT ARROW Move cursor one word to the right. CTRL LEFT ARROW Move cursor one word to the left. HOME Move cursor to the beginning of the line. END Move cursor to the end of the line. PAGE UP Move cursor up one page (height of the editor box). PAGE DOWN Move cursor down one page. CTRL PAGE UP Move cursor to top (beginning) of note. CTRL PAGE DOWN Move cursor to bottom (end) of note. INSert Change between insert and overwrite modes. CTRL INS Block Copy. SHIFT DEL Block Cut (delete). SHIFT INS Block Insert (after Block Cut or Copy). The text editor used here includes automatic word wrap. This will cause the lines to be limited to less than or equal to 70 characters. This makes it convenient to type in large amounts of text without having to worry about a text line being too long. ( Using The Mouse With The Text Editor The mouse may be used to easily position the cursor by moving the mouse cursor to the desired point in the text and pressing the left mouse button. Text may then be inserted or deleted as described above. A block of text may be selected by positioning the mouse cursor to the beginning point in the text and while PRESSING AND HOLDING the left mouse button, move the mouse cursor to the desired end point. You may now delete the text as described above. You will notice a scroll bar on the right side of the text box. This also will facilitate using the mouse to scroll the text to where the desired portion is visible. Return Table Contents List Boxes A list box is a box that contains a list of items, usually sorted, which are used to select one of the items within the list. The list box is "smart" and has several methods available to make it simple to select one of the items in the list. One of these methods is to use the scroll bar associated with the list. Moving the slider will change the selected item in the list. Another one method is to use the up and down arrow keys or the HOME or END keys. HOME will select the top item in the list. END will select the last item in the list. You may also just type the letters in the item that you wish to find. For example, suppose the list is a list of recipe ingredients, and contains the following items: = Apples Bread Butter Eggs Milk Yogurt If you press the 'b' key (either upper or lower case, it doesn't matter) the 'Bread' entry will be highlighted. The cursor will be underneath the 'r' in 'Bread', indicating that it is waiting for the second letter to be pressed. If you press the 'u' key, the 'Butter' entry will be highlighted. So you can see that you can get to the desired item very quickly just by pressing a few keys. Once the desired item is highlighted, you can select it by pressing the Return key or the appropriate dialog box button. This technique works for any item in the list, whether visible or not. Finally, you can select an item that is visible in the list box by moving the mouse cursor somewhere on the line that contains the desired item and double clicking with the mouse. Return Table Contents Double Clicking This is a way of using the mouse to indicate to the program that you wish to both select and activate whatever item it is on (if that item understands double clicks). This is done by rapidly pressing the left mouse button twice. Just what "rapidly" means depends on your computer and can be determined by experimentation. Double clicking works on some data entry lines (those that bring up selection list boxes and in the list boxes themselves. : See Also Using Mouse Return Table Contents Radio Buttons Radio Buttons are devices organized as short lists of text items with parentheses () next to them. A group of radio buttons is known as a "cluster." They act together. Within one cluster of radio buttons, only one of the buttons can (and will) be selected. For example, suppose the following choices of ice cream were available: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and cherry. A radio button cluster with those choices would look like this: [ ( ) Vanilla ( ) Chocolate ( ) Strawberry ( ) Cherry Your choice of ice cream would be one of those. Your selection would be represented by a . in one of the boxes. If you change your mind, and select Chocolate, the ( ) by Strawberry would be removed and the ( ) would appear next to Chocolate. Z ( ) Vanilla ( ) Chocolate ( ) Strawberry ( ) Cherry To change selections, you can click on the desired choice with the mouse, or pressing the appropriate shortcut key. Remember that radio button clusters have a label associated with them which makes it possible to select it before working on it. Pressing the ALT key along with the shortcut key will also work. Return Table Contents Check Boxes Check Boxes work exactly like radio buttons except that you may select any, all, or none of the items in the cluster. Check boxes look like this: M [ ] Vanilla [X] Chocolate [X] Strawberry [ ] Cherry Return Table Contents Working with Message Boxes Message Boxes are used simply to advise you of some condition which needs attention or to inform you of some situation which has occurred and needs a decision made. Usually a message box will have several simple buttons associated with it. Those buttons could be YES, NO, OK, or Cancel. These buttons are usually provided for your response to a question stated in the box. Return Table Contents Program Status Line. The program status line is the very bottom line of the screen and presents brief help messages or a few available hot keys. This is a method of providing just a bit more information to you as you are working in order to provide a good understanding of what is happening or where you are in the program. Hot keys may be used by either pressing the displayed key, or clicking on the item with the mouse, or using the shortcut key shown. Return Table Contents Using the HELP system. The help system is designed to get you the help you need on whatever topic you wish. The help system takes you directly to the topic of interest just by pressing the F1 key from wherever you are in the program. If there are related topics which might be of interest to you, the help system provides the means to easily jump to that topic and see that information. 4 To get help, just press the F1 key. Appropriate information will be given for the topic you are on. If there is no specific topic to be addressed (such as from the opening screen), the main Table of Contents will be presented, from which you may select any of the topics listed for further information. C The help will appear in a window in the middle of the screen. Most of the text will wrap around in the window so all of it is visible. Some specially formatted text may be outside the window. In this case, just use the scroll bars at the bottom or right side of the help window to scroll the text until it is visible. You may also make the help screen appear full size by moving the mouse cursor to the little up-arrow positioned on the frame in the upper right hand corner of the help window and clicking the left mouse button. When you are done with the help, it can be removed by simply pressing the ESC key or clicking the left mouse button while the mouse cursor is on the little block ( ) positioned at the upper left of the window. I To view the next highlighted topic in a help window (one that is a different color than the rest of the text) just press the TAB key or the SHIFT and TAB keys to make the desired topic highlighted. When it is, just press the RETURN key. You may also select a desired topic by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button. Return Table Contents Quit Without Saving Changes? This simple message box warns you that if you press the YES button, you will exit this dialog box and will LOSE all the changes you have made (if any). If this is ok, press the YES button. If you do not wish to lose the changes you may have made, press the NO button or the ESC key. 3 See Buttons for information on how buttons work. Return Table Contents BE CAREFUL! The items you have chosen to edit are fundamental to the workings of Master Chef. If you proceed, it is possible to change/delete items which will reduce the accuracy and/or flexibility of Master Chef operation. These are items which the new/casual/basic user should NOT need to change! Return Table Contents Low Memory This usually occurs when your system does not have the required amount of memory available. Master Chef requires 640K of conventional memory be installed in your system. If that is the case and you still get this message, you will need to remove any TSR's or extra device drivers that you may have running. If you are using an MS-DOS version earlier than 5.0 or DR-DOS version earlier than 5.0, you are not utilizing the memory you have as well as could be possible. Return Table Contents Delete This Item? This simple message box warns you that if you press the YES button (or the RETURN key), you will delete the selected item. Press the Cancel button or press the ESC key to avoid deleting this item. 3 See Buttons for information on how buttons work. Return Table Contents Field Cannot Be Empty! This simple message box tells you that the field selected must not be empty (have no text in it). You must enter something! I Press the OK button to fix it. (The ESC and RETURN keys will work too.) 3 See Buttons for information on how buttons work. Return Table Contents Number must be between ___ and ___. This simple message box tells you that the selected input line has a number in it that is not within the numbers shown. You must go back and correct this. I Why? Because nasty things will happen to your information if you don't. ( Remember...Garbage in = Garbage out! Press the OK button to fix it. (The ESC and RETURN keys will work too.) 3 See Buttons for information on how buttons work. Return Table Contents Start Date Later Than End Date This simple message box tells you that between the two dates selected, you have chosen a start date that is later than the end date. (That's no way to try to buy some time!) I Press the OK button to fix it. (The ESC and RETURN keys will work too.) 3 See Buttons for information on how buttons work. Return Table Contents Select A File The File Select Box dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory the standard Cancel button Open action button an information panel that describes the selected file You may exit the File Open command by pressing the ESC key or clicking the mouse on the CANCEL button. Name Input Box Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to load, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*). A valid filename consists of a drive letter followed by a colon, a subdirectory name(s), a filename (8 characters or less), and an extension ( a dot followed by up to 3 letters). For example: c:\mc\data\cardfile.prt Extension Filename subdirectory Drive Letter WARNING: % DO NOT USE THE FOLLOWING FILENAMES: < CON AUX COM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 PRN LPT1 LPT2 LPT3 NUL CLOCK$ DO NOT USE THE FOLLOWING EXTENSIONS: / .EXE .$$$ .BAK .BAS .BAT .COM .CPI .EXE .SYS DO NOT USE THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS IN FILENAMES OR EXTENSIONS: ? < > = , ; : . ? [ ] ( ) / \ + * (except as described below) If you enter *.*, then all files in the current directory will be shown in the Files box below. Files List Box Files FILENM01.DOC FILENM09.DOC FILENM02.DOC FILENM10.DOC FILENM03.DOC FILENM11.DOC FILENM04.DOC FILENM12.DOC FILENM05.DOC .. FILENM06.DOC \MOREFILE FILENM07.DOC \DATA FILENM08.DOC \DOCUMENT The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. File Information Panel C:\SE\FILES\*.DOC HELLO.DOC 1432 Jan 11,1991 12:32pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. k None of the items on this information panel are selectable. They are there for information purposes only. Available Buttons: + [ Open ] The Open button picks the highlighted file and places the full path and filename in the filename line. 1 [ Cancel ] If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Return Table Contents Select Path The Select Path dialog box consists of an input box, a list box, the standard Select, Chdir, Revert, and Cancel. Directory Name Box Directory Name The Directory Name input box is where you type in the path of the new directory. Directory Tree List Box Directory Tree Drives C:\ DOS UTILITITES The Directory Tree list box enables you to navigate directories by using the selecting bar and pressing Enter. Available Buttons: [Select] The Select button exits the dialog box with the new path that is currently showing in the Directory Name input box. , [Chdir ] The Chdir button puts the path that is highlighted in the Directory Tree list box into the Directory Name input box. , [Revert] The Revert button goes back to the original directory, as long as you haven't yet exited the dialog box. , [Cancel] The Cancel exits the dialog box without making any changes to the data path. Return Table Contents Change Directory The Change Directory dialog box consists of an input box, a list box, the standard OK and Help buttons, and two other buttons (Chdir and Revert). | Directory Name The Directory Name input box is where you type in the path of the new directory. Directory Tree Drives C:\ TP TVISION The Directory Tree list box enables you to navigate directories by using the selecting bar and pressing Enter. If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make the selected directory the current directory, then choose OK or press Esc to exit the dialog box. + [Chdir ] The Chdir button changes the current directory once you've selected or typed in a directory name. + [Revert] The Revert button goes back to the previous directory, as long as you haven't yet exited the dialog box. Filter Method - ANY Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to display all recipes that match ANY of the selected filter criteria when using the Recipe | Edit or Recipe | Print options. For example, if you have selected Meal and Course as filter items, and you have selected Breakfast for the meal filter and Beverage as the course filter, the recipes listed will include all recipes that are defined EITHER as a Breakfast recipe, OR a Beverage recipe. Understand that you could wind up with Breakfast Side Dish recipes and Lunch Beverage recipes (or other such combinations). Return Table Contents Filter Method - ALL Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to display all recipes that match ALL of the selected filter criteria when using the Recipe | Edit or Recipe | Print options. For example, if you have selected Meal and Course as filter items, and you have selected Breakfast for the meal filter and Beverage as the course filter, the recipes listed will only the recipes that are defined BOTH as a Breakfast recipe, AND a Beverage recipe. Understand that you could wind up with no recipes listed, since there may not be a recipe that is defined as a Breakfast Beverage recipe. Return Table Contents Multiple of Servings Selecting this radio button will allow recipes to scale in increments of the number of servings defined for the recipe. This prevents "strange" measurements from begin generated by the scaling process. With this option enabled, downward scaling (less that the number of servings) will not be allowed. M For example, if the recipe being scaled is defined to produce 6 servings, it will be able to be scaled to 12, 18, 24, etc. servings. It could NOT be scaled to 5 or less servings. If a number of servings greater than 6 were requested (such as 10) it would be scaled to the next highest multiple of 6, which would be 12 in this case. 5 See Also Any Number Return Table Contents Any Number Selecting this radio button will allow recipes to scale to any number of servings, no matter what the current number of servings may be. Scaling both upward and downward is possible with this option selected. For example, if the recipe being scaled is defined to produce 6 servings, it can be scaled to any other number of servings, such as 7, 2, 45, 123, etc. NOTE: With this type of scaling, it is possible to produce ingredient measurements with very strange measurement quantities, since the the new measurement quantity is produced by multiplying the existing quantity by the ratio of the old and new number of servings. For example, an ingredient could result in measurements like 7/271 or 45/46. This condition can be somewhat alleviated by the use of the Fraction Rounding option. ? See Also Multiple Servings Return Table Contents Fraction Rounding - NO Selecting this radio button will keep Master Chef from automatically trying to round fractions. To enable rounding, select the YES option. Return Table Contents Fraction Rounding - YES Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to automatically try to round fractions. The quantity that fractions will be rounded to is defined in the Round To Nearest option. Return Table Contents Round To Next - WHOLE Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to round fractions to the next highest whole number. Rounding occurs when the Fraction Rounding YES option is selected and the Quantity Format FRACTION option is selected. Return Table Contents Round To Next - HALF Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to round fractions to the next highest half (1/2). Rounding occurs when the Fraction Rounding YES option is selected and the Quantity Format FRACTION option is selected. Return Table Contents Round To Next - THIRD Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to round fractions to the next highest third (1/3). Rounding occurs when the Fraction Rounding YES option is selected and the Quantity Format FRACTION option is selected. Return Table Contents Round To Next - FOURTH Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to round fractions to the next highest fourth (1/4). Rounding occurs when the Fraction Rounding YES option is selected and the Quantity Format FRACTION option is selected. Return Table Contents Round To Next - EIGHTH Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to round fractions to the next highest EIGHTH (1/8). Rounding occurs when the Fraction Rounding YES option is selected and the Quantity Format FRACTION option is selected. Return Table Contents Round To Next - TENTH Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to round fractions to the next highest tenth (1/10). Rounding occurs when the Fraction Rounding YES option is selected and the Quantity Format FRACTION option is selected. Return Table Contents Round To Next - SIXTEENTH Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to round fractions to the next highest sixteenth (1/16). Rounding occurs when the Fraction Rounding YES option is selected and the Quantity Format FRACTION option is selected. Return Table Contents Round To Next - HUNDREDTH Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to round fractions to the next highest hundredth (1/100). Rounding occurs when the Fraction Rounding YES option is selected and the Quantity Format FRACTION option is selected. Return Table Contents Reduce Recipe Measurements - No Selecting this radio button will keep Master Chef from automatically trying to reduce large measurements quantities in Recipe ingredients to measurements with smaller quantities when scaling the recipe. For example, if your recipe had computed a total of 128 ounces of Milk for the recipe while scaling it, it would leave it at that, and NOT convert it to 1 gallon. Return Table Contents Reduce Recipe Measurements - Yes Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to automatically reduce large measurements quantities in Recipe ingredients to measurements with smaller quantities when scaling recipes. For example, if your recipe had computed a total of 128 ounces of Milk for the recipe when scaling it, it would convert it to 1 gallon. Return Table Contents Reduce Shopping List Measurements - No Selecting this radio button will keep Master Chef from automatically trying to reduce large measurements quantities in Shopping List items to measurements with smaller quantities. For example, if your shopping list had computed a total of 128 ounces of Milk for all the recipes, it would leave it at that, and NOT convert it to 1 gallon. Return Table Contents Reduce Shopping List Measurements - Yes Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to automatically reduce large measurements quantities in Shopping List items to measurements with smaller quantities. For example, if your shopping list had computed a total of 128 ounces of Milk for all the recipes, it would convert it to 1 gallon. Return Table Contents Recipe Name Filtering - NO Selecting this radio button will prevent Master Chef from automatically limiting the names you see in the recipe selection list when selecting recipes for a particular course while editing a meal schedule. You will see all recipes in the file. Return Table Contents Recipe Name Filtering - YES Selecting this radio button will enable Master Chef to automatically limit the names you see in the recipe selection list when selecting recipes for a meal schedule. You will see only recipes that have meals and courses that match those of the particular meal and course that you are editing at the time. For example, in the Schedule | Edit option, while editing the meal schedule for BREAKFAST for a particular day, suppose you wish to select a recipe for the MAIN DISH course in that meal. The recipe selection list will appear when you press a key or double click on the recipe field. The list will show all recipes that have BREAKFAST defined as a MEAL [AND] MAIN DISH defined as a COURSE. This limits the list to those recipes that make sense to select for this course. Return Table Contents Decimal Format Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to handle quantities in a decimal format. This means that quanities will be entered and displayed in a format with decimal numbers in them. Decimal numbers look like this: 1.5, .75, 12.675, etc. Return Table Contents Fraction Format Seleting this radio button will allow Master Chef to handle quantities in a fraction format. This means that quantities will be entered and displayed in a format with fractions in them. Fractions are numbers like this: 1 1/2, 3/4, 12 5/8, etc. Return Table Contents MM/DD/YY Date Format Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to handle dates in a MM/DD/YY format. The MM denotes the month, the DD denotes the day of the month, and the YY denotes the last two digits of the year. Return Table Contents DD/MM/YY Date Format Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to handle dates in a DD/MM/YY format. The DD denotes the day of the month, the MM denotes the month, and the YY denotes the last two digits of the year. Return Table Contents YY/MM/DD Date Format Selecting this radio button will allow Master Chef to handle dates in a YY/MM/DD format. The YY denotes the last two digits of the year, the MM denotes the month, and the DD denotes the day of the month. Return Table Contents Data Path This combination input line/pickline will allow you to define the data path to be used by Master Chef to know where to look on your disk for the data it uses. You can open up the Select Path box which will allow you to select the desired path from the existing ones by pressing the Down Arrow key, double clicking on the line with the left mouse button, or clicking on the down arrow in the small box to the right of the input line. NOTE: ^ Changes made to the data path will not take effect until the next time you run Master Chef. Return Table Contents Path Change The new path you entered/selected will not be used until the next time you run Master Chef. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing the special options. The new information will be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to exit and NOT save the changes made to this item. Return Table Contents The Meal Plan The meal plan is the part of Master Chef that contains a "blueprint" of what a daily meal will consist of. It contains the default information for each of the meals for the day. If you use the AutoSchedule feature (the feature that automatically schedules recipes for each of the meals of the day), then this is where the names of each of the meals and courses to be scheduled are put. ! Saving and Entering Meal Plans Master Chef is capable of keeping many different meal plans for you. They can be loaded using the Meal Plan|Load main menu option. Each plan you create is automatically saved when you exit the Meal Edit main menu option. This allows you to have different plans available for different occasions or purposes. If you are a dietician servicing various institutions, you could have a different meal plan for each institution. Each institution, with it's own copy of Master Chef, could be provided your meal plan file. The staff then could use your meal plan to generate the actual meal schedules. When a diet change was necessary for a particular institution, you could simply send your new meal plan file to them for use in their meal schedules. DAILY PLAN WINDOW This is the initial window that you see when you select the Meal Plan option (F3 key). It shows you the all of the currently established meals planned for the day and all of the courses planned for each of the meals. This gives you an overview of the day's schedule. As you can see, you can schedule up to 6 meals per day. The order that you see them is the order that they will always appear. MEAL PLAN WINDOW When you double-click the left mouse button on one of the meal names, (or press the down arrow when one of the meal names is highlighted) the Meal Plan window will appear. This window contains a number of different pieces of information about that meal. AutoSchedule Course Names The column on the left side of the window shows the currently planned courses for this meal. These are the courses that the AutoScheduler will attempt to fill with recipes that are set up to be used for this particular course in this particular meal. If you do not intend to use the AutoScheduler, then course names are not necessary. The order that you see and place the names in will be the same throughout the program. Servings The next column to the right of the Course names contains the default number of servings to use for each of the courses to be scheduled. This is handy if you know ahead of time how many servings of each course will be needed. If you're planning for a family of 5, then you could put the number 5 in each entry in the column.This number will automatically show up in the meal schedule. Each entry in this column is associated with the course in the course column to the left of it. The number entered here will become the initial number of servings scheduled in the meal schedule for that course. You may use this column to put servings in even if you do not intend to use the AutoScheduler. In which case you could use these numbers as the serving numbers for manually selected recipes. Food Exchanges Names The next column over shows the names of the Food Exchanges. These are the names that are entered in the Misc | Exchanges option. See Food Exchanges for more information on Food Exchanges. Quanitity The column just to the right of the Exchange Names contains the quanities of each exchange. Each entry is associated with the corresponding name to the left of it. The number of each Exchange entered here becomes the goal for this meal for each of the days in the schedule. NOTE: Each Food Exchange entry is NOT related to the Course and Servings entries to the left of it. These represent the Food Exchanges for this particular MEAL, not any particular COURSE. % Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate Content The block of numbers below the Food Exchanges show the Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, and Calorie content based on the number of each Food Exchange entered above it. These numbers are obtained from the numbers set up for each exchange in the Misc Exchanges main menu option as described above. Like Food Exchanges, these are Per Serving numbers. No Meal Plan There currently is no meal plan named or loaded. This usually happens if you have changed your data path and have not copied the meal plan files to the new directory ( they are the ones with the .tpl extension. | You will need to name a new one or pick an existing one using the Plan | Load option, or you may do that now if you wish. < More Information Return Table Contents Select Meal Name This pickline allows you to select the meal name for this meal. The meals available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key or double-clicking on the line. _ When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. Select the desired meal from the list. < More Information Return Table Contents Select AutoSchedule Course Name This pickline allows you to select the course name for this course. The courses available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key or double-clicking on the line. a When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. Select the desired course from the list. Course names are used by the auto scheduler to know what types of recipes to pick for this course. If you leave this blank, then the auto scheduler will not pick a recipe, although you may manually do that yourself. < More Information Return Table Contents Edit Servings Enter the number of servings you wish to plan for this course. This number will be used as a default number of servings to plan. You will be able to override this when editing your meal schedule if you wish. < More Information Return Table Contents Exchange Quantity Enter the PER SERVING quantity for this food exchange. The number entered here represents a GOAL for the meal. This will be the baseline against which you can compare the actual exchange quantities for the scheduled recipes in a meal schedule. Exchange quanities are entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form ( 3. 5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. = More Information Return Table Contents Print Button Pressing this button will send the meal plan to the printer, based on how you have the printer configured under the Utilities|Configure|Printer. You will have a choice to print either the brief or detailed schedule plan. Return Table Contents Totals Button Pressing this button will bring up a dialog box displaying the total number of exchanges for the Day. It also displays the Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, and Calorie equivalents for the exchange totals. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. Your changes will be saved. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button when you are finished but do not wish to save any changes you may have made. Return Table Contents Edit Meal Plan By pressing an arrow key or double clicking the left mouse button on this field, you will open up the meal edit dialog box. There you can change the name of this meal, and select the courses you wish to plan for this meal. You will also be able to enter the number of food exchanges you wish to establish as the goal for that meal. More Information Return Table Contents Plan Name This is a special input line that works like either a standard input line or a pick line. You can either type in a new name or select one from a list of existing files. If you enter a name that already exists and you press the Done Button, it will be loaded. If you enter a name of a plan that does not exist and press the Done Button, a new one will be created for you to edit. If you wish to select from existing plans, then press the down arrow or double click the left mouse button on the name field or single click on the down arrow in the small box to the right. This will cause a list box to appear with the names of existing plans for you to pick from. More Information Return Table Contents Done Button Pressing this button will cause the selected plan to be loaded or created. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Pressing this button will exit you from this dialog box WITHOUT loading or creating a new plan. Return Table Contents Brief Style Pressing this button will select the Brief Style of meal plan to print. The brief style takes up less room on the paper and includes only the number of exchanges planned for each meal. Return Table Contents Detailed Style Pressing this button will select the Detailed Style of meal plan to print. The brief style takes up more room on the paper and includes all the meal plan information for each meal. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Pressing this button will cancel this printing session. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done viewing the exchange totals. Return Table Contents First Name This is an input line where you can enter your first name. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Last Name This is an input line where you can enter your last name. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Company Name If you are registering for your company and want the name to be on the registration, use this input line to enter the company name. Otherwise, leave it blank. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Address (first line) This is an input line where you can enter your mailing address. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Address (second line) If you didn't have enough space on the address line above this one, you can use this input line to enter additional mailing address information. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents City This is an input line where you can enter your city name. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents State Code This is an pick line where you can select the proper two letter abbreviation for your state. If you are a non-US user, select the blank code for this (the default). You can either press any key or double click the left mouse button to bring up the selection list. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Zip This is an input line where you can enter your Zip code. For non-US users, enter your postal code here if you have one. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Province This input line allows you to enter any province, burrough, county, or other postal information that is necessary for delivery. This is for non-US users only. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Country Name This field is a special combination input line/pick line where you can either select or enter your country name. To select a name from the list, either press the down arrow key, or double click the left mouse button on the field. USA is the default, and will appear initially in the field. If you are a non-US user, you will want to enter/select your country. NOTE TO US/CANADIAN USERS: Shipping charges are based on the country the registration package is being shipped to. The shipping charges to addresses in the US and CANADA are less than those for addresses outside of the US and CANADA. To make sure this is reflected on your printed registration form, make sure you select either USA or CANADA for this field. Any other text will result in a shipping charge showing on your registration form. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Quantity This input line is where you can enter the number of copies of the program you wish to register. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Disk Vendor Select this option if you received your copy of Master Chef from a disk vendor. L Please also give the name of the vendor in the line labeled "Source Name". W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents BBS Select this option if you downloaded your copy of Master Chef from a bulletin board system. K Please also give the name of the board in the line labeled "Source Name". W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Friend Select this option if you received your copy of Master Chef from a friend (or aquaintance, or relative, or arch enemy, etc.) or some other individual. L Please also give the name of the person in the line labeled "Source Name". W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Author Select this option if you received your copy of Master Chef from Acme Workshops or Thomas C. Johnson. Z All right... so I can't remember who I send disks to. You will help me out, won't you??? W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Other Select this option if you received your copy of Master Chef from somewhere not listed. < Please enter the source in the line labeled "Source Name". W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Source Name This is an input line where you can enter the name of where or who it is from whom you received your copy of the program. Leave this blank if you checked the "Author" button. Otherwise, some description of the source would be very helpful. If you received your copy from a disk vendor, indicate the name of the vendor here. Same for a BBS (the phone number would be nice too). W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents 720K 3.5" Select this disk size if you want to receive your Master Chef programs on low density (720K) 3.5" floppy disks. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents 360K 5.25" Select this disk size if you want to receive your Master Chef programs on low density (360K) 5.25" floppy disks. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Order Date This special input line will bring up a calendar dialog box that will allow you to easily select the registration date. To bring up the calendar, press any key except TAB, Shift-TAB, and ESC. You may also double-click the left mouse button on the date or single click on the down arrow in the small box to the right of the date. The default date is the system date (the date in your computer) the first time you bring up the registration option. But this may not always be correct, so you may change that if you wish. We would prefer to see the correct date (todays date). W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you wish to exit the registration dialog box and wish to keep all the information you have entered. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Print Button Press this button when you wish to print the registration form. - Make sure your printer is on and is online. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button when you wish to exit the registration dialog box but do not want to keep any changes you have made. W See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Register This option allows you to conveniently fill out the registration form when you are ready to register Master Chef. 9 See also About Registering See also How Return Table Contents Registering Master Chef What is Shareware? E Most money back guarantees work like this: You pay for the product and then have some period of time to try it out and see whether or not you like it. If you don't like it or find that it doesn't do what you need, you return it (undamaged) and at some point - which might take months - you get your money back. Some software companies won't even let you try their product! In order to qualify for a refund, the diskette envelope must have an unbroken seal. With these "licensing" agreements, you only qualify for your money back if you haven't tried the product. How absurd! Shareware is very different. With shareware you get to use it for a limited time, without spending a penny. You are able to use the software on your own system(s), in your own special work environment, with no sales people looking over your shoulder. If you decide not to continue using it, you throw it away and forget all about it. No paperwork, phone calls, or correspondence to waste your valuable time. If you do continue using it, then - and only then - do you pay for it. e Shareware is a distribution method, NOT a type of software. Shareware is produced by accomplished programmers, just like retail software. There is good and bad shareware, just as there is good and bad retail software. The primary difference between shareware and retail software is that with shareware you know if it's good or bad BEFORE you pay for it. As a software user, you benefit because you get to use the software to determine whether it meets your needs before you pay for it, and authors benefit because they are able to get their products into your hands without the hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenses it takes to launch a traditional retail software product. There are many programs on the market today which would never have become available without the shareware marketing method. The shareware system and the continued availability of quality shareware products depend on your willingness to register and pay for the shareware you use. It's the registration fees you pay which allow us to support and continue to develop our products. y Please show your support for shareware by registering those programs you actually use and by passing them on to others. * Shareware is kept alive by YOUR support! What is Registering? As described above, shareware is an alternative distribution method, where you the user pay for it AFTER you have tried and are using it. Your payment along with some personal information (name, address and the like) constitutes "registering." Why Register? Registering essentially completes the sales transaction, and provides benefits to you and the software author. You receive (among other things) the latest release, printed documentation, support, and notice of updates. The author receives payment for the goods supplied the user, and the ability to continue to support and upgrade the product. ~ You are encouraged and expected to register the product if you are using it, even if there are features that you don't like. ! Why you should not register... You should not register if... A a) You have tried the software and something doesn't work the way you want it to, and by registering, think that we will make changes just for you. We will work with you to get the product going, and always appreciate suggestions from you for improvement, but custom changes can't be done for the price of registration. b) You have received a "broken" copy of the software (files missing or corrupted), and wish to receive a "clean" copy. While it is always nice to receive registrations, we do not want you to register until you have had a chance to evaluate a fully functional, complete package. We are always happy to send a "clean" trial copy of our products for a nominal charge, and want to know if you receive "broken" copies from disk vendors, and who they are. How To Register... Fill out and print the registration form using the Register option from the top menu. Include your check or money order with the printed registration form. Send it to: D Acme Workshops 9920 S. Palmer Rd. New Carlisle, Oh. 45344 Please make checks and money orders payable to Thomas C. Johnson. PLEASE REMEMBER: Payment must be made in US Funds drawn from a US bank. Overseas users who find this difficult may consider sending US cash, but all risk with doing that must be assumed by the user. See also How Return Table Contents How Much Is It? Cost per registration.............................$35.00 Shipping (Each Registration) (they're heavy...) US & Canada............................$ 3.50 Outside US & Canada....................$10.00 OHIO residents will be charged 6% sales tax. (The online registration form will automatically compute this. D REGISTRATION FEE AND SHIPPING COSTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AFTER 6/1/94 PLEASE REMEMBER: Payment must be made in US Funds drawn from a US bank. Overseas users who find this difficult may consider sending US cash, but all risk with doing that must be assumed by the user. Return Table Contents Create Shopping List Continuing from here by answering YES (by pressing the YES button or the Enter key) will cause Master Chef to automatically remove ALL existing items from the shopping list and start over by scanning the current meal schedule, reading all the recipes scheduled, reading all the ingredients in each of those recipes and adding them to the shopping list. This may take a bit of time depending on how many days are in your schedule, how many recipes you have in each day's schedule, and how many ingredients you have in each recipe. Return Table Contents Create Shopping List Pressing this button will cause Master Chef to automatically remove ALL existing items from the shopping list and start over by scanning the current meal schedule, reading all the recipes scheduled, reading all the ingredients in each of those recipes and adding them to the shopping list. This may take a bit of time depending on how many days are in your schedule, how many recipes you have in each day's schedule, and how many ingredients you have in each recipe. Be patient! It may take a while to complete this, but remember that it is creating a shopping list much faster than you could in the same amount of time! Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. The new information will be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to go back to the selection list WITHOUT keeping the changes made to the item. Return Table Contents Edit Shopping List Item This is an input line where you enter the name of the Shopping List Item that you wish to add or change to. Examples: E MILK FLOUR EGGS Return Table Contents Edit Recipe Quantity This input line is where you enter the quantity of the recipe measurement needed for this Shopping List Item. This is entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form (3.5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities | Configure | System option. Note: This line and the Recipe Measurement line will appear only for items added to the shopping list by Master Chef when it creates a shopping list. It will not be included for items added later by you. This is because it would have no relevance since these lines are intended to show the total quantities included in all of the recipes scheduled, and would have no association with any of the recipes scheduled. (Such as an item like Water Softener Salt Pellets). I Recipe Store Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Edit Recipe Measure This pickline is used to select the desired measure for the recipe measurement for this Shopping List Item. The measures available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, or double-clicking the mouse on it. g When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. Select the desired measurement from the list. Note: This line and the Recipe Quantity line will appear only for items added to the shopping list by Master Chef when it creates a shopping list. It will not be included for items added later by you. This is because it would have no relevance since these lines are intended to show the total quantities included in all of the recipes scheduled, and would have no association with any of the recipes scheduled. (Such as an item like Water Softener Salt Pellets). J Recipe Store Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Edit Store Quantity This input line is where you enter the quantity of the store measurement needed for this Shopping List Item. This is entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form (3.5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities | Configure | System option. I Recipe Store Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Edit Store Measure This pickline is used to select the desired measure for the store measurement for this Shopping List Item. The measures available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, or double-clicking the mouse on it. g When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. Select the desired measurement from the list. K Recipe Store Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Select Store Name This pickline is where you select the name of the store from which you normally purchase this item. The stores available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key or double-clicking on the line. ` When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. Select the desired store from the list. This name will be used when printing the shopping list, so that all the items purchased from the same store will be grouped together in the list. This will make shopping more efficient by showing what items you need to get from each store. Examples 6 Krogers Safeway Meijers Grocery Warehouse Return Table Contents Edit Shopping List Item Location This input line is where you enter the location within the store that you can find this Shopping List Item. This may be an aisle number, department name, grid number, or any other way to describe the location of the item in the store. This will be used when producing the shopping list, so that similarly located items will be grouped together in the list. This will make shopping more efficient by showing what items you need to get from each area in the store. Examples " B1 Meats-Beef Aisle 5 Return Table Contents Edit Store Price This input line is where you can enter the price of this Shopping List Item. The price entered will be cost of the quantity shown in the Store Measure. For example, if the store measure is 1 Box Unit, and one box of this Shopping List Item costs $2.45, then you would enter 2.45. Return Table Contents Common Items Pressing this button will bring up the Common Item selection list, allowing you to select one of the common items and copy the information from it into this shopping list item. Return Table Contents Ingredients Pressing this button will bring up the Ingredients selection list, allowing you to select one of the ingredient items and copy the information from it into this shopping list item. Return Table Contents Select Schedule Dates This list box allows you to select the dates in the schedule from which the shopping list will be created. Mark the days desired using the buttons provide or clicking the left mouse button on the dates desired, then press the Done button. N To cancel creation of a shopping list, press the Cancel button or press ESC. Return Table Contents Mark One Button Pressing this button will mark or unmark the date that is currently highlighted. This does the same thing as clicking the left mouse button while the mouse cursor is on the desired item in the list. Return Table Contents Mark All Button Pressing this button will mark all dates in the list as being selected. Return Table Contents Unmark All Button Pressing this button will unmark all recipes in the list that may have been selected. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you have all the desired dates marked. Master Chef will then begin the process of creating a shopping list for all of the marked dates in the schedule. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to exit and NOT create a shopping list. Return Table Contents Edit Button Press this button when you are ready to change the information for this item. You will be taken to the Edit Shopping List dialog box to edit the information in it. Return Table Contents New Button Press this button when you are ready to add a new item to the list. You will be taken to the Edit Shopping Item dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you are ready to delete the item highlighted. You will be warned before the item is deleted. Return Table Contents Finished Button Press this button when you are all done working with the Shopping List Items. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to exit the selection list WITHOUT selecting a Shopping List item. Return Table Contents Select Shopping List Item This list box allows you to select a Shopping List Item to either edit or delete, or to add a new one. Return Table Contents Select Shopping List Item This list box allows you to select a Shopping List Item from those available. Return Table Contents Shopping List Item SELECT Button This key will select the currently highlighted item in the list. Return Table Contents Save Item to Common Item Pressing this button will allow you to automatically copy this item to a separate list of Common Items. This is a convenient means to add to the list of common items an ingredient that shows up in your shopping list. This item in turn will be available to be added to future shopping lists, even if it is not in any scheduled recipes. Return Table Contents Brief Style Pressing this button will select the Brief Style of Shopping List to print. The brief style takes up less room on the paper and includes only the names of each shopping list item. Return Table Contents Detailed Style Pressing this button will select the Detailed Style of Shopping List to print. The detailed style takes up more room on the paper and includes all the Shopping List information for each item. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Pressing this button will cancel this printing session. Return Table Contents Select Ingredient This list box allows you to select a Ingredient. NOTE: This list of ingredients is what you will use to put ingredients into your recipes. Return Table Contents Find Button Press this button to search for a particular ingredient. Will open a dialog box where you can a portion of a name to search for. The program will search until it finds the first ingredient with your entry in the name. Return Table Contents Search Again Button Press this button to search for the next item in the list that matches your previous search entry. Return Table Contents Search Text Enter the text you wish to search for. This can be any text you think may be in the ingredient name. Return Table Contents Ingredient SELECT Button Pressing this button will select the currently highlighted item in the list. Return Table Contents Press this button to exit this selection box and NOT select an item. Return Table Contents Edit Button Press this button when you are ready to change the information for this item. You will be taken to the Edit Ingredient dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents Convert Button Press this button if you wish to convert the hightlighted item into a recipe. When an ingredient is converted into a recipe, a blank recipe is created with the name of the recipe being the same as the ingredient name. This new recipe will have the selected ingredient as it's ingredient. Once an ingredient is converted to a recipe, it will be inserted into the current recipe file, but you will still need to go to the Recipes | Edit option and fill in other details for the recipe, like the meals and dishes it fits in, the category, and the serving information. This is handy since there may be food items that you would want to treat like recipes, and have them show up in the meal schedule and shopping list. L (Fast foods fit into this category, ie. Double Cheeseburgers for example.) Return Table Contents Add Button Press this button when you are ready to add a new item to the list. You will be taken to the Edit Ingredient dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you need to delete the item highlighted. You will be asked to verify this by a message box before the item is deleted. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are all done working with the Ingredients. Return Table Contents Edit Ingredient Name This is an input line where you enter the name of the Ingredient. Examples: E MILK FLOUR EGGS Return Table Contents Edit Protein This input line allows you to enter the protein content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of grams of protein contained in that quantity of flour. - Protein is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 1 It is VERY important that you enter the number of grams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! ! Return Table Contents Edit Fat This input line allows you to enter the fat content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of grams of fat contained in that quantity of flour. ) Fat is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 1 It is VERY important that you enter the number of grams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Carbohydrates This input line allows you to enter the carbohydrate content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of milligrams of carbohydrates contained in that quantity of flour. 5 Carbohydrates are entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 1 It is VERY important that you enter the number of grams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Calories This is a special input line that allows you to enter the number of calories that are contained in the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of calories contained in that quantity of flour. 0 Calories are entered in a decimal form ( 3.5). p The number of calories can be computed knowing Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat with the following formula: (4 X Protein (grams)) + (4 X Carbohydrates (grams)) + (9 X Fat (grams)) ------------------------------- = Calories For example, 1 Cup of 2% Milk has 8 grams of protein, 12 grams of carbohydrates and 5 grams of fat. The total number of calories would be (8 X 4) + (12 X 4) + (5 X 9) = 32 + 48 + 45 = 125 calories. NOTE: 4 It is VERY important that you enter the number of calories for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Cholesterol This input line allows you to enter the cholesterol content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of milligrams of cholesterol contained in that quantity of flour. 1 Cholesterol is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 6 It is VERY important that you enter the number of milligrams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Sodium This input line allows you to enter the sodium content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of milligrams of sodium contained in that quantity of flour. , Sodium is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 6 It is VERY important that you enter the number of milligrams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Potassium This input line allows you to enter the potassium content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of milligrams of potassium contained in that quantity of flour. / Potassium is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 6 It is VERY important that you enter the number of milligrams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Fiber This input line allows you to enter the fiber content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of grams of fiber contained in that quantity of flour. + Fiber is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: - It is VERY important that you enter the number of grams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Calcium This input line allows you to enter the calcium content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of milligrams of Calcium contained in that quantity of flour. - Calcium is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 6 It is VERY important that you enter the number of milligrams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Iron This input line allows you to enter the iron content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of milligrams of iron contained in that quantity of flour. * Iron is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 6 It is VERY important that you enter the number of milligrams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Niacin This input line allows you to enter the niacin content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of milligrams of niacin contained in that quantity of flour. , Niacin is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 6 It is VERY important that you enter the number of milligrams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Thiamin This input line allows you to enter the thiamin content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of milligrams of thiamin contained in that quantity of flour. - Thiamin is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 6 It is VERY important that you enter the number of milligrams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Riboflavin This input line allows you to enter the riboflavin content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of milligrams of riboflavin contained in that quantity of flour. 0 Riboflavin is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 6 It is VERY important that you enter the number of milligrams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Vitamin A This input line allows you to enter the vitamin A content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of International Units of vitamin A contained in that quantity of flour. / Vitamin A is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: + It is VERY important that you enter the number of IUs for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Vitamin C This input line allows you to enter the vitamin C content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of milligrams of vitamin C contained in that quantity of flour. / Vitamin C is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 6 It is VERY important that you enter the number of milligrams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Phosphorus This input line allows you to enter the phosphorus content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of milligrams of phosphorus contained in that quantity of flour. 0 Phosphorus is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 6 It is VERY important that you enter the number of milligrams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Ash This input line allows you to enter the ash content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of grams of ash contained in that quantity of flour. ) Ash is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: 0 It is VERY important that you enter the number of grams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Saturated Fatty Acids This input line allows you to enter the saturated fatty acids content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of grams of saturated fatty acids contained in that quantity of flour. ; Saturated Fatty Acids is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: - It is VERY important that you enter the number of grams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Oleic acid This input line allows you to enter the oleic acit content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of grams of oleic acit contained in that quantity of flour. 0 Oleic acid is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: - It is VERY important that you enter the number of grams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Linoleic acid This input line allows you to enter the linoleic acid content for the quantity and measure of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measure. For example, suppose this ingredient was Flour, and the recipe measure was 1 Cup Dry Volume. You would enter in this line the number of grams of linoleic acid contained in that quantity of flour. 3 Linoleic acid is entered in a decimal form (3.5). NOTE: - It is VERY important that you enter the number of grams for the quantity of this ingredient specified in the Recipe Measurement! Sometimes you may need to do some arithmetic to come up with the correct number since the content figure you may get from a book may be for some other amount. Check this! Return Table Contents Edit Recipe Quantity This input line is where you enter the quantity of the recipe measurement needed for this ingredient. This is entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form (3.5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. , Recipe Store Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Edit Recipe Measure This pickline is used to select the desired measure for the recipe measurement for this ingredient. The measures available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, as well as double clicking on the line with the left mouse button. 9 When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. K Recipe Store Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Edit Store Quantity This input line is where you enter the quantity of the store measurement needed for this ingredient. This is entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form (3.5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. I Recipe Store Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Edit Store Measure This pickline is used to select the desired measure for the store measurement for this ingredient. The measures available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key. b When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. Select the desired measure from the list. K Recipe Store Measurements Relate Return Table Contents How Recipe and Store Measurements Relate: These two field combinations are used to form an equivalency to let Master Chef know how to compute the shopping list based on the recipes scheduled in the meal schedule. This relationship is necessary since many times ingredients are sold with different measurement types than are used for making recipes. For example, most recipes call for CUPS of flour, but most of us buy BAGS of flour measured in POUNDS. The relationship between the recipe measure (CUPS Dry Volume) and the store measure (LBS Weight) allows Master Chef to accurately compute how much of an item you actually need to buy, IN THE MEASUREMENT USED BY THE STORE. In the case of white flour, there is about 4 CUPS Dry Volume in 1 LB Weight. } This ability to define relationships between recipe measurements and store measurements allows you to configure Master Chef to your way of shopping for things. Take the flour example. If you normally buy your flour in 5 LB bags, you could have the store measurement be in BAGS. You would enter your recipe measurement in CUPS Dry Volume ( since Dry Volume is the measurement type used in recipes). In this case, you would enter 20 CUPS Dry Volume as the complete recipe measurement. Then you would select 1 BAG Unit as the store measurement. Now when Master Chef computes the amount of flour needed for your scheduled recipes, it can compute how many bags of flour you need to purchase. If you needed 20 or less cups of flour, Master Chef would determine that you need to purchase 1 bag of flour. If it was greater than 20 and less than or equal to 40, you would need 2 bags, etc. Remember, the nutrient quantities entered for an ingredient need to reflect the content for the recipe quantity specified. In the above example, the nutrient quantities entered would need to be for 20 cups. Return Table Contents Select Store Name This pickline is where you select the name of the store from which you normally purchase this ingredient. The stores available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key or double-clicking on the line. When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. Select the desired store from the list. The names that appear are entered using the Misc Stores main menu option. This name will be used when producing the shopping list, so that all the items purchased from the same store will be grouped together in the list. This will make shopping more efficient by showing what items you need to get from each store. Examples 6 Krogers Safeway Meijers Grocery Warehouse Return Table Contents Edit Ingredient Location This input line is where you enter the location within the store that you can find this ingredient. This may be an aisle number, department name, grid number, or any other way to describe the location of the item in the store. This will be used when producing the shopping list, so that similarly located items will be grouped together in the list. This will make shopping more efficient by showing what items you need to get from each area in the store. Examples " B1 Meats-Beef Aisle 5 NOTE: Most stores have "maps" of the store, showing the locations of most major items. Look for this or ask a store employee for one. It will assist you greatly when entering the item locations. Return Table Contents Edit Store Price This input line is where you can enter the price of this ingredient. The price entered will the the cost of the quantity shown in the Store Measure. For example, if the store measure is 1 Box Unit, and one box of this ingredient costs $2.45, then you would enter 2.45. (Do not enter the $ symbol.) Return Table Contents Scale Button Press this button if you wish to scale the ingredient to a new recipe measurement. When you do this a dialog box will appear and allow you to enter a new recipe measurement. The difference between doing this and just entering a new recipe measurement in the ingredient dialog box is that the normal recipe measurement line is used to just enter a measurement which represents the size of the ingredient, but using the scale button allows you to change the recipe measurement to a new value, which is then used to automatically recompute all the numbers in the ingredient. This is done by comparing the new recipe measurement to the existing recipe measurement and computing a scale factor, which is then multiplied by all the nutrient quantities to determine what they should be at the new recipe measurement size. For example, suppose you have an ingredient which has a recipe measurement of 1 cup liq vol, and you have already determined what the nutritional content of that ingredient is for 1 cup. Now if you wish to change the recipe measurement to 1 oz liq vol, you can't just enter that into the recipe measurement line since the nutrient values are set for 1 cup. If you did just enter a new recipe measurement, you would have to compute what the new nutrient quantities would be for that measurment. Master Chef does this for you when you use the scale button. It computes the new values for you. It's not too hard to see in this example that the new nutrient values would be 1/8 of their old ones if you went from 1 cup to 1 oz. The store measurement quantity is also changed when you use the scale button. You may need to adjust the price since the quantity has changed. L Recipe Store Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. The new information will be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button when you are done editing this item, but you do not wish to keep any changes you may have made to the item. You will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Enter Recipe Quantity This input line is where you enter the quantity of the new recipe measurement needed for this ingredient. This new quantity will be used to scale all the numbers in this ingredient (except the store measurement). This is entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form (3.5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. I Recipe Store Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Select Recipe Measure This pickline is used to select the desired measure for the new recipe measurement for this ingredient. The measures available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, and when you double click the left mouse button on this line. g When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. Selecte the needed measurement from the list. J Recipe Store Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done entering the new measurement. The new information will be used to compute the scaling factor for the ingredient numbers and will be put into the Recipe Measurement in the ingredient. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button if you decide you do not wish to scale the ingredient. You will be returned to the ingredient edit box with the information unchanged from when you pushed the scale button. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. The new information will be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the main menu. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button when you are done editing this item, but don't wish to save any changes you have made. You will be returned to the main menu. Return Table Contents Edit Food Exchange Name This is an input line where you can enter the name of the Food Exchange that you wish to define. L You have a maximum of 10 characters in which to define the exchange name. Examples: J Milk Vegetable Meat [LF] Return Table Contents Edit Protein Content This is an input line where you can enter the protein content defined for this exchange. This number needs to be entered as a whole number (1, 33, 75, etc.) and is measured in grams. ] See Food Exchanges for an explanation of what food exchanges are and how they are defined. " Return Table Contents Edit Fat Content This is an input line where you can enter the fat content defined for this exchange. This number needs to be entered as a whole number (1, 33, 75, etc.) and is measured in grams. ] See Food Exchanges for an explanation of what food exchanges are and how they are defined. " Return Table Contents Edit Carbodrate Content This is an input line where you can enter the carbohydrate content defined for this exchange. This number needs to be entered as a whole number (1, 33, 75, etc.) and is measured in grams. ] See Food Exchanges for an explanation of what food exchanges are and how they are defined. " Return Table Contents Food Exchanges Food Exchanges are a system of measurements devised to help plan balanced diets. Each Food Exchange is a measurement of calories and nutrient values which include protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Calories are computed (that's why you don't need to enter them in the Exchange dialog box) from the protein, fat, and carbohydrate quantities. Z All foods are generally divided into a number of exchange groups, typically defined as: q Bread Milk Meat (low fat) Meat (medium fat) Meat (high fat) Fruit Vegetable Fat Free Any food defined to be in a particular Exchange group will contain similar amounts of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. The foods which fit into a particular Food Exchange may not always be the type of food described by the name. For example, foods that are defined to be in the Bread exchange are not always breads. They could be tortillas, cereals, peas, etc. In order to get an equivalent nutritional value between foods in any particular Exchange group, the serving size is adjusted. For example, one slice of white bread has the same protein, fat, and carbohydrate content (and thus the same calorie content) as one tortilla, one-half cup of peas, or one cup of puffed cereal. Because of this, they are interchangeable on a menu. That's why they are called "Exchanges." Each Exchange defined in Master Chef needs to have the content of protein, fat, and carbohydrates identified. These values are used throughout Master Chef for computing nutrient content of Recipes and Meal Schedules. ^ Master Chef comes with a predefined list of Exchanges, based on customary usages in a variety of dietary manuals. Because there are many different names for the same basic group of Food Exchanges, Master Chef allows you to customize the Exchange names to your liking, and to make the arrangement of them in the list changeable for your needs. } See Also: Edit Exhcange Edit Protein Content Edit Content Edit Carbohydrate Content Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done changing the filter. The filter you have selected will be applied to the recipe list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button when you are done changing the filter, and DO NOT wish to use the new filter. The original filter will be used and the recipe list will not change. Return Table Contents No Recipe File There currently is no recipe file selected. This usually happens if you have changed your data path and have not copied the recipe files to the new directory ( they are the ones with the .rec extension. i You will need to name or select one using the Recipe Load option, or you may do that now if you wish. Return Table Contents Edit Button Press this button when you are ready to change the information for this item. m This will bring up the Edit Recipe dialog box and you will be able to edit the information in this recipe. If you change the name of a recipe to one that already exists in the list, a dialog box will alert you to the fact when you attempt to return to the list, and ask if you wish to add this recipe to the list, or overwrite the existing recipe with the same name. If you choose to add the recipe, Master Chef will add a ! character to the beginning of the name to make it easy to find the one you just added, so that you can later change it. Return Table Contents New Button Press this button when you are ready to add a new recipe to the list. You will be taken to the Edit Recipe dialog box to enter the new data. If you add a recipe with a name that already exists in the list, a dialog box will alert you to the fact when you attempt to return to the list, and ask if you wish to add this recipe to the list, or overwrite the existing recipe with the same name. If you choose to add the recipe, Master Chef will add a ! character to the beginning of the name to make it easy to find the one you just added, so that you can later change it. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you are ready to delete the item highlighted. You will be warned before the item is deleted. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button when you are all done working with the Ingredients for this recipe. ANY CHANGES MADE WILL BE LOST. Return Table Contents SELECT Button Pressing this button will select the highlighted recipe and close the recipe selection dialog box. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are all done working with the Recipes. The Edit Recipe dialog box will close and you will be returned to the main menu screen. Return Table Contents Edit Button Press this button when you are ready to change the information for this item. u This will bring up the Edit Ingredient dialog box and you will be able to edit the information in this ingredient. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are all done working with the recipe ingredients. The Edit Ingredient dialog box will close any you will be returned to the recipe edit screen. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you are ready to delete the item highlighted. You will be warned before the item is deleted. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you are all done working with the ingredients. Any changes made will be ignored. Return Table Contents Select Recipe This list box allows you to select a Recipe to work with. : The recipes listed are controlled by the current filter. w Press the appropriate button at the bottom of the dialog box to perform the desired action on the highlighted recipe. Return Table Contents Mark All Button Pressing this button will mark all recipes in the list as being selected. This can be used to print all recipes with the Print Button, or to mark all and then unmark a few before printing with the Print Button. Return Table Contents Unmark All Button Pressing this button will unmark all recipes in the list that may have been selected. Return Table Contents Mark One Button Pressing this button will mark or unmark the recipe that is currently highlighted. This does the same thing as clicking the left mouse button while the mouse cursor is on the desired item in the list. Return Table Contents Print Button Pressing this button will begin the process of printing the recipes selected (marked with a in the recipe list box. Return Table Contents Print Button Pressing this button will begin the process of printing the recipe currently being viewed. Return Table Contents Scale Button Pressing this button will allow Master Chef to scale all of the ingredients to new quantities. Master Chef will ask for a new number of servings for the recipe, and then recompute the ingredient quantities necessary for the new number of servings. This conversion is permanent, so make sure it is correct before continuing. The scaling will be done according to the For example, if the recipe is now set up to make 10 servings, you will be able to enter a new number (say 20) and then have all of the ingredient quantities adjusted to make the new number of servings (double in this case). NOTE: The way the recipe is scaled depends on the setting of the Utilities | Configure | System | Scaling Method, either Multiple Servings or Any Number. Return Table Contents Print All Button Pressing this button will begin the process of printing all of the listed recipes shown in the recipe list box. This is where the filter feature of Master Chef can come in handy. With proper use, you may print all of the recipes that are defined for a particular category, have a particular ingredient, etc. Return Table Contents Print Index Button Pressing this button will begin the process of printing a list of all the recipes shown in the recipe list box. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. The new information will be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to exit and NOT save the changes made to this item. Return Table Contents Edit Recipe Name This is an input line where you enter the name of the Recipe that you wish to add or change to. Remember that this name will be used for sorting the recipe file along with the Category field. Examples: Blueberry Pie Chicken Chow Mein Chicken With Rice Hamburgers Tuna Sandwich Return Table Contents Recipe Source This is an input line where you enter information that will assist you in rememebering where you got this recipe, or if you intend on printing this out and giving it to someone else, letting them know where they got it. Some examples: Betty Crocker pg 27 Joy of Cooking pg 245 Tom and Diana's kitchen Stolen from Marie Calendar's Restaurant Return Table Contents Select Recipe Category This is a Pick Line where you can select a category that will be meaningful for this recipe. Remember that this field is used along with the name of the recipe when it is sorted in the recipe file. Return Table Contents Select Course This is a Pick Line where you can select a course that will be meaningful for this recipe. This course name, combined with the meal name next to it, will be used by the Auto Schedule feature in the Schedule Manager to determine which meal and course this recipe is appropriate for. If this is left blank, then the recipe is considered appropriate for any course. C See How Scheduler Works Return Table Contents Select Meal This is a Pick Line where you can select a meal that will be meaningful for this recipe. This meal name, combined with the course name next to it, will be used by the Auto Schedule feature in the Schedule Manager to determine which meal and course this recipe is appropriate for. If this is left blank, then the recipe is considered appropriate for any meal. C See How Scheduler Works Return Table Contents Automatic Scheduling - Yes Pressing this button will enable this recipe to be used for automatic scheduling. B See How Scheduler Works Return Table Contents Automatic Scheduling - No Pressing this button will prevent this recipe from being used for automatic scheduling. E See How Scheduler Works Return Table Contents Ingredients Button This button will open up the Recipe Ingredients Selection in order to edit the recipe ingredients. Return Table Contents Ingredients Button This button will open up the Recipe Instructions Editor in order to edit the recipe instructions. Return Table Contents Serving Information Button This button will open up the Recipe Serving Information Dialog Box in order to edit the recipe serving information. m Serving information includes number of servings, servings size, food exchanges, and nutrition information. Return Table Contents Recipe Instruction Editor This text editor is used to enter and make changes to the recipe instructions. w You can have up to 1500 characters in your instructions. Lines will automatically wrap if they exceed 70 characters. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. The new information will be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to exit and NOT save the changes made to this item. Return Table Contents Recipe Ingredient List This List Box shows the ingredients used in this recipe. You may have up to 30 ingredients per recipe, and are shown in the order you enter them in the list. They are not sorted. D To edit one, highlight the one desired and press the Edit button. ( To clear one, press the Clear button. f When you are done, press the ESC key or click on the close box in the upper left hand corner. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. The new information will be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to exit and NOT save the changes made to this item. Return Table Contents Ingredient Name This pick Line allows you to select an ingredient to use in this recipe. You will be picking from the ingredients entered using the Ingredients Edit option. Return Table Contents Ingredient Quantity This input line is where you enter the quantity of the ingredient needed for this recipe. Enter this either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form (3.5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities | Configure | Special Options main menu option. Return Table Contents Ingredient Measure This pickline is used to select the desired measure for the ingredient measurement for this recipe. The measures available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, or you may double-click the mouse on it. When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. These measurements are those entered with the Measurments|Units option. You will notice that not all of the possible measurements are listed. Only those with the same measurment type are shown. This insures that you select a measurment that makes sense for the ingredient selected. The reason for this is simple. Suppose you have Milk as an ingredient. since Milk is normally a liquid it would be entered in the ingredient file as having a 1 Gallon Liq Volume recipe measurement. Now when you go to use this ingredient in a recipe, your recipes won't always call for gallons of milk. But, the Milk listed in the ingredients file will not be a Dry Volume or Unit or anything else except a Liq Volume. So it makes no sense to include Milk as an ingredient in your recipe and give it some other measurment type. Now, since you will probably want to use some other measurment unit for this recipe, the selection list for this input line will show you all of the Liq Volume measurments you can select from. This will now allow Master Chef to make appropriate conversions later on if necessary. Return Table Contents Edit Number of Servings This input line allows you to enter the number of servings that this recipe is good for. This number is important for scheduling purposes, scaling the recipe, and computing the per-serving nutrient content. It tells Master Chef how to compute the correct amounts of the ingredients when the recipe is scaled for the meal schedule. For example, if this recipe will serve 10 servings, and it is scheduled for a meal that requires 20 servings, Master Chef can figure out that it needs twice as much of every ingredient in order for you to prepare enough for the 20 scheduled. This will be done when printing the recipe, so that the correct quantity of ingredients appear in the printouts, and when creating the shopping list. Return Table Contents Serving Size Quantity This input line allows you to enter the quantity portion of the serving size. This is used only for printouts, and is not used for computing any other information. It is merely a reference guide for those using the recipe to get an idea of how large a serving is to be. Enter this either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form ( 3. 5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities | Configure | Special Options main menu option. ] Note: It is up to you to determine the size of a serving. Master Chef cannot compute this! Return Table Contents Serving Size Measure This pickline is used to select the desired measure for the serving size for this recipe. This is used only for printouts, and is not used for computing any other information. It is merely a reference guide for those using the recipe to get an idea of how large a serve is to be. The measures available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, or by double-clicking the mouse on it. When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. These measurements are those entered with the Measurments|Units option. Highlight the one desired and press the Select button. If you decide not to select one from the list, then press the ESC key or click on the close box ( Return Table Contents Number of Food Exchanges This input line allow you to enter the number of food exchanges each serving is worth. This is combined with the food exchange type next to it. Enter this either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form ( 3. 5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities | Configure | Special Options main menu option. Return Table Contents Display Totals This button will cause Master Chef to display the nutrients and costs for the recipe. The nutrient numbers are based on the quantities of the ingredients, and the number of servings for this recipe. ^ The nutritional and exchange amounts shown represent the amount PER SERVING for this recipe. The Total Cost is the total cost of the recipe based on the store price entered in the ingredient list for each of the ingredients in the recipe. The Cost Per Serving is computed based on the Total Cost divided by the number of servings for the recipe. Return Table Contents Display Costs This button will cause Master Chef to display the costs for the recipe. The Total Cost is the total cost of the recipe based on the store price entered in the ingredient list for each of the ingredients in the recipe. The Cost Per Serving is computed based on the Total Cost divided by the number of servings for the recipe. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing the serving info. The new information will be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to exit and NOT save the changes made to the serving information. Return Table Contents Scale Recipe Before printing this recipe, you have the option of changing the number of servings that the recipe will be good for. This gives you the option of scaling the recipe to your needs. T If you answer YES, you will be propted to enter the number of servings you desire. x If you answer NO, Master Chef will continue on and print the recipe with the number of servings defined in the recipe. Return Table Contents Number of Servings This input line allows you to enter the number of servings to which the recipe will be scaled. NOTE: The way the recipe is scaled depends on the setting of the Utilities | Configure | System | Scaling Method, either Multiple Servings or Any Number. Return Table Contents Category Filter This special checkbox tells Master Chef to use the Category selected in the Category Filter Selection Line just to the right when a New Filter is created and used. ] This checkbox has three possible conditions. It can be blank ([ ]), indicating that category will not be used for filtering. It can have an I in it ([I]), indicating the list will include recipes that DO have the selected category. Finally it can contain an E ([E]), indicating the list will include recipes that DO NOT have the selected category. [ You can change the checkbox by either pressing the space bar or clicking the mouse on it. Z See All about filtering for details on how filters work. Return Table Contents Meal Filter This checkbox tells Master Chef to use the Meal selected in the Meal Filter Selection Line just to the right when a New Filter is created and used. ` This checkbox has three possible conditions. It can be blank ([ ]), indicating that Meal Type will not be used for filtering. It can have an I in it ([I]), indicating the list will include recipes that DO have the selected Meal Type. Finally it can contain an E ([E]), indicating the list will include recipes that DO NOT have the selected Meal Type. [ You can change the checkbox by either pressing the space bar or clicking the mouse on it. Z See All about filtering for details on how filters work. Return Table Contents Course Filter This checkbox tells Master Chef to use the Course selected in the Course Filter Selection Line just to the right when a New Filter is created and used. f This checkbox has three possible conditions. It can be blank ([ ]), indicating that Course Type will not be used for filtering. It can have an I in it ([I]), indicating the list will include recipes that DO have the selected Course Type. Finally it can contain an E ([E]), indicating the list will include recipes that DO NOT have the selected Course Type. [ You can change the checkbox by either pressing the space bar or clicking the mouse on it. Z See All about filtering for details on how filters work. Return Table Contents Ingredient Filter This checkbox tells Master Chef to use the Ingredient selected in the Ingredient Filter Selection Line just to the right when a New Filter is created and used. d This checkbox has three possible conditions. It can be blank ([ ]), indicating that Ingredients will not be used for filtering. It can have an I in it ([I]), indicating the list will include recipes that DO have the selected ingredient. Finally it can contain an E ([E]), indicating the list will include recipes that DO NOT have the selected ingredient. [ You can change the checkbox by either pressing the space bar or clicking the mouse on it. Z See All about filtering for details on how filters work. Return Table Contents Select Category This pickline is used to select the desired category that will be used as a filter for listing the available recipes. The categories available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, or by double clicking the left mouse button on the line. 4 A picklist will appear with the available choices. [ See All about filtering for details on how filters work. Return Table Contents Select Course This pickline is used to select the desired Course that will be used as a filter for listing the available recipes. The Courses available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT- TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, or by double clicking the left mouse button on the line. 4 A picklist will appear with the available choices. [ See All about filtering for details on how filters work. Return Table Contents Select Meal This pickline is used to select the desired Meal that will be used as a filter for listing the available recipes. The Meal available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT- TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, or by double clicking the left mouse button on the line. 4 A picklist will appear with the available choices. [ See All about filtering for details on how filters work. Return Table Contents Select Ingredient This pickline is used to select the desired Ingredient that will be used as a filter for listing the available recipes. The Ingredient available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT- TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, or by double clicking the left mouse button on the line. 4 A picklist will appear with the available choices. [ See All about filtering for details on how filters work. Return Table Contents Change Filter Button Press this button to open a dialog box that will allow you to select a new filter that will be used to display a new list of recipes. Z See All about filtering for details on how filters work. Return Table Contents All About Filtering The use of Filters is a feature of Master Chef that allows you to limit and control the size and nature of the list of recipes that appears in the recipe list, either for Editing, Printing, or Selecting recipes. Y The 4 items available for use in the filter are Category, Meal, Course, and Ingredient. { The filter works by checking each recipe in the recipe file and comparing it with the various items enabled and selected. The Filter Method ANY and the Filter Method ALL options in the Utilities Configure Special Options menu option allows you to determine how the various parts of the filter work together. If ALL is selected, all items in the filter must match the filter items selected before the recipe will be included in the list. If ANY is selected, then a recipe will be included if any of the items in the filter match what is in the recipe. _ Each of the filter items have three possible conditions. Either OFF, Inclusive, or Exclusive. h If it is set to Inclusive, a recipe will be put in the list if it contains the designated filter item. p If it is set to Exclusive, a recipe will be put in the list if it DOES NOT contain the designated filter item. ( HOW TO USE FILTERS ------------------ < The steps to applying a new filter to the recipe list are: { Press the Change Filter button. Master Chef open a dialog box that will contain the items used to filter the recipe list. ( Select the specific item for use in the filter by tabbing or clicking the left mouse button on the appropriate item pick line. Press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, or double click the left mouse button on the line. A picklist will appear with the available choices. Enable the item for use in the filter by marking the associated check box next to it with the space bar or the mouse. Enabling an item with an I tells Master Chef to use the selected item in the filter. x Press the DONE button to activate the new filter, or press the Cancel button to ignore any changes made to the filter. EXAMPLE 1 --------- c Suppose you wish to see all the recipes in your file that are in the "Soups and Stews" category. You would first press the Change Filter button (by clicking the left mouse button on it, or Tabbing to it and pressing ENTER, or pressing ALT+F keys). Then Tab to or click on the pickline next to the "Category" check box, just below the recipe list box. Then press a key except those mentioned above, or double click on the line to bring up the Category selection list (you can just double click on the line from anywhere else in the dialog box and and bring up the selection list, in other words, you don't have to click once on it and then click twice). Select the desired category, in this case Soups and Stews. You would then Tab to or click on the [ ] Category line. If you tabbed to it, then press the space bar to put an I or an E in the box (like this: [I]). When you press the Done button, Master Chef will examine all recipes in the file and display only those whose Category field matches the category you specified (Soups and Stews). EXAMPLE 2 --------- ~ Suppose you wish to see all the recipes that are designated to be used as a Main Dish, for Supper, and have Chicken in them. After pressing the Change Filter button, You would first select Supper as the Meal, Main Dish as the Course, and Chicken as the Ingredient. You would then mark the Meal, Course, and Ingredient checkboxes with an I for INCLUSIVE. U Finally, press the Done button, and see all the recipes that fit those three items. EXAMPLE 3 --------- I Suppose you wish to see all the recipes that DO NOT have SUGAR in them. After pressing the Change Filter button, You would first mark Ingredients with an E (for EXCLUSIVE). Then TAB to the input line next to Ingredients and select SUGAR as the ingredient. Y Finally, press the Done button, and see all the recipes that do not have SUGAR in them. 4 AUTOMATIC USE OF FILTERS ------------------------ f Master Chef will automatically set the filter for you when you are working on a Meal Schedule. When you go to select a recipe for a particular course in the schedule, Master Chef will set the filter to the Course and Meal you are currently working on (using INCLUSIVE filtering), and automatically show you the recipes appropriate for that meal and course. Now you can, while you are selecting these recipes, disable these items to allow you to see all of the recipes or to use some other items as the filter by pressing the Change Filter button. By using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option you may turn off this automatic filtering feature, and can select the method of filtering used (listing recipes that either have BOTH the meal and course defined or EITHER the course or meal defined). ! Return Table Contents Recipe Card Pressing this button will select the recipe card style to print. The card style takes up less room on the paper and includes only the Name, Category, Ingredients, and Instructions. Return Table Contents Full Page Style Pressing this button will select the Full Page style to print. The Page style uses the whole page and prints all of the recipe information, including meal and course types, serving and nutritional information. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Pressing this button will cancel this printing session. Return Table Contents New Recipe File This is a special input line that works like either a standard input line or a pick line. You can either type in the new file name or pick one from a list. If you enter a file name that already exists and you press the Done Button, it will be loaded. If you enter a name of a recipe file that does not exist and press the Done Button, a new one will be opened for you to add recipes to. % If you wish to select from existing recipe files, then press the down arrow or double click the left mouse button on the name field or single click on the down arrow in the small box to the right. This will cause a list box to appear with the names of existing ones for you to pick from. Master Chef looks on your disk in the path specified in the Utilities Configure Special Options Path for the files that appear in the selection list. These files are known by Master Chef to be recipe files since they all have a ".REC" extension. Return Table Contents Done Button Pressing this button will cause the selected recipe file to be loaded or opened. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Pressing this button will exit you from this dialog box WITHOUT loading or opening any new recipe file. Return Table Contents Done Button Pressing this button will close the Nutrients dialog box. Return Table Contents Select Course This list box allows you to view the existing Course names. | NOTE: Courses are used to tag recipes for the Meal scheduler so that it knows what Courses into which a recipe would fit. Return Table Contents Course SELECT Button This button will select the currently highlighted item in the list. Return Table Contents Return Table Contents Edit Button Press this button when you are ready to change the information for the item hightlighted in the list. You will be taken to the Edit Course dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents New Button Press this button when you are ready to add a new item to the list. You will be taken to the Edit Course dialog box to enter the new Course name. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you are ready to delete the item highlighted. You will be warned before the item is deleted. Return Table Contents Finished Button Press this button when you are all done working with the Courses. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. You will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Edit Course This is an input line where you enter the name of the Course that you wish to add or change. Examples: L Beverage Main Dish Dessert Return Table Contents Select Meal This list box allows you to view the existing meal names. x NOTE: Meals are used to tag recipes for the meal scheduler so that it knows what meals into which a recipe would fit. Return Table Contents Meal SELECT Button This button will select the currently highlighted item in the list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to exit this selection box and NOT select an item from the list. Return Table Contents Edit Button Press this button when you are ready to change the information for the item hightlighted in the list. You will be taken to the Edit Meal dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents New Button Press this button when you are ready to add a new item to the list. You will be taken to the Edit Meal dialog box to enter the new meal name. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you are ready to delete the item highlighted. You will be warned before the item is deleted. Return Table Contents Finished Button Press this button when you are all done working with the Meals. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. You will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Edit Meal This is an input line where you enter the name of the Meal that you wish to add or change. Examples: L BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to quit without continuing the operation. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done selecting the date and period. Return Table Contents Start Date This special input line will bring up a calendar dialog box that will allow you to easily select the starting date. To bring up the calendar, press any key except TAB, Shift-TAB, and ESC. You may also double-click the left mouse button on the date or single click on the down arrow in the small box to the right of the date. Return Table Contents Number of Days This input line allows you to determine the number of days following the starting date. Return Table Contents Select Measurement Type This list box allows you to view the existing Measurement Type names. Y NOTE: Measurement types are the fundamental unit of the measurement system used in Master Chef. Changing or deleting any measurement type could cause some confusion for you if you later edit an ingredient, shopping list item, or serving size, since any measurement that used that type will no longer be able to find that measurement type. Return Table Contents Measurement Type SELECT Button This button will select the currently highlighted item in the list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to exit this selection box and NOT select a Measurement Type name. Return Table Contents Edit Button Press this button when you are ready to change the information for the item highlighted in the list. You will be taken to the Edit Measurement Type dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents New Button Press this button when you are ready to add a new item to the list. You will be taken to the Edit Measurement Type dialog box to enter the new Measurement Type name. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you are ready to delete the item highlighted. You will be warned before the item is deleted. Return Table Contents Finished Button Press this button when you are all done working with the Measurement Types. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. You will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Edit Measurement Type This is an input line where you enter the name of the Measurement Type that you wish to add or change. Examples: DRY VOL LIQ VOL UNIT NOTE: Measurement types are the fundamental unit of the measurement system used in Master Chef. Changing or deleting any measurement type could cause some confusion for you if you later edit an ingredient, shopping list item, or serving size, since any measurement that used that type will no longer be able to find the type that it used. " Return Table Contents About Measurement Types Why are types necessary? Just think about the ounce. You can have liquid ounces, dry ounces, and ounces of weight. Each means a different thing with the different type of item it is measuring. The use of measurement types is how Master Chef keeps these different but similarly-named measurements straight. A measurement type is always associated with a measurement in Master Chef. : The default measurment types defined in Master Chef are: ) DRY VOL LIQ VOL UNIT WEIGHT Return Table Contents Select Measurement Unit This list box allows you to view then existing measurement unit. U NOTE: Measurements are a fundamental unit of the measurement system used in Master Chef. Changing or deleting any measurement could cause some confusion for you if you later edit an ingredient, shopping list item, or serving size, since the measurement it once used may be the one you deleted and it will no longer be able to find it. Return Table Contents Select Button This button will select the currently highlighted item in the list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to exit this selection box and NOT select an item. Return Table Contents Edit Button Press this button when you are ready to change the information for this item. You will be taken to the Edit Measurement unit dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents New Button Press this button when you are ready to add a new item to the list. You will be taken to the Edit Measurement unit dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you are ready to delete the item highlighted. You will be warned before the item is deleted. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are all done working with the measurement units. Return Table Contents Edit Measurement Unit This is an input line where you enter the name of the measurement unit. [ NOTE: Measurements units are a fundamental part of the measurement system used in Master Chef. Changing or deleting any measurement unit could cause some confusion for you if you later edit an ingredient, shopping list item, or serving size, since the measurement it once had may be the one you deleted and it will no longer be able to find it. Examples: & CUP QUART POUND Return Table Contents Select Measurement Type This pickline is used to select the measurement type to be associated with this measurement unit. The types available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, or double-click the mouse on it. When you do this, a pop- up selection list will appear. : See the measurement selection for more information. Why are types necessary? Just think about the ounce. You can have liquid ounces, dry ounces, and ounces of weight. Each means a different thing with the different type of item it is measuring. The measurement type is how Master Chef keeps these different but similarly-named measurements straight. A measurement type is always associated with a measurement in Master Chef. Return Table Contents Do NOT Include in Table If you mark this radio button, this item will NOT be included in the table of equivalents. 9 Table Equivalencies Return Table Contents Include in Table If you mark this radio button, this item will automatically be included in the table of equivalents. Note: As a result of making changes to the Measurement Units, or marking a new measurement unit for inclusion in the equivalency table, new additions to the table will be made. You will need to edit the table using the Misc Measurements Equivalents main menu option in order to make sure these new equivalents have the proper relationships. New entries to the table of equivalents will have 9999 as the quantities. These are the ones you will need to edit. 9 Table Equivalencies Return Table Contents Keep Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. The new information will be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button when you are done editing this item, but you do not wish to keep the changes you have made to this item. The new information will NOT be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Edit Button Press this button when you are ready to change the information for this item. You will be taken to the Edit Equivalent dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents New Button Press this button when you are ready to add a new item to the list. You will be taken to the Edit Equivalent dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you are ready to delete the item highlighted. You will be warned before the item is deleted. Return Table Contents Finished Button Press this button when you are all done working with the Equivalents. Return Table Contents Select Equivalent This list box allows you to either edit, delete, or to add a new equivalent entry. O NOTE: Equivalents are used to convert measurments from one form to another. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. The new information will be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button when you are done editing this item, but you do not wish to keep the changes you have made to this item. The new information will NOT be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Editing the Equivalency Table You are about to open the Equivalency Table edit dialog box. This box will enable you to make changes to the equivalents used to make measurement conversions. PLEASE NOTE: ! Master Chef comes with the equivalency table completely configured for use with the recipes and ingredients that are included, and SHOULD NOT NEED TO BE CHANGED FOR NORMAL USE. The ability exists, however, for those with special needs who wish to customize Master Chef to those needs. ) If you are not sure of what you are doing, you could adversely affect the accuracy of the program in making these conversions. That would affect the accuracy of many other related calculations, such as the nutritional information, proper recipe scaling, meal scheduling, shopping lists, etc. B How Equivalency Table Works Return Table Contents Edit Base Quantity This input line is where you enter the base quantity of the measurement needed for this Equivalent. This is the number portion of the base measurement of this item. This is entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form (3.5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities | Configure | System option. Z Base Measure Equivalent Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Base Measure This line shows the the base measurement for this Equivalent. N Equivalent Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Edit Equivalent Quantity This input line is where you enter the quantity of the equivalent measurement needed for this Equivalent. This is the number portion of the store measurement of this item. Enter this either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form ( 3. 5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. a Equivalent Measure Equivalent Measurements Relate Return Table Contents Equivalent Measure This line shows equivalent measurement for this Equivalency. M Equivalent Measurements Relate Return Table Contents How Base and Equivalent Measurements Relate: Each Equivalency Table Entry consists of two measurement entries, the Base Measure and the Equivalent Measure. These two entries are used to form an equivalency to let Master Chef know how to compute relationships between different measurements. This is used by Master Chef to enable it to make conversions between different types of measurements. These equivalencies are created by Master Chef when new Measurement Units are added. You need to make the appropriate changes to the quantities. j Conversions are necessary since many times it is necessary to convert measurements to different units. j For example, in scaling recipes, it is necessary to know how many of one measurement will fit in another measurement. Imagine scaling a recipe up from 5 servings to 100 servings. If the original recipe called for 2 tsp of vinegar, the new number of servings would call for 200 tsp! This is somewhat difficult to measure when preparing the recipe. It would be nice to reduce that measurement to something that had a smaller quantity. This is where the Equivalencies come into play. If they are set up properly, Master Chef will be able to convert 200 tsp to .96 Quart, or more practically, rounded to 1 quart. L Edit Quantity Base Measure Edit Equiv Quantity Equiv Measure Return Table Contents New Equivalents As a result of making changes to the Measurement Units, there are new additions to the Equivalents. You need to Edit Equivalents in order to make sure these new equivalents have the proper relationships. h The new equivalencies added will have '9999' as quantities. These are the ones you will need to edit. Return Table Contents Add New Equivalents? The changes you made to the measurement units list could result in then need for new equivalents to be added to Equivalency Table. If you answer YES to this message box, Master Chef will scan the measurement units list and add appropriate entries to the table. You will then need to go in and update the quantity relationships to make the new entries work. New entries will be visible in the table by each having '9999' as quantities. Return Table Contents Calc Button Press this button to display the list of measurements which are equivalent to the measurement you entered in the base quantity and measure. If you have entered a large measurement as the base measure, you may see some measurements the have 0 (zero) as the quantity. This is because these measurements would be so small as to be unmeasureable in practical terms. For example, if you entered 1 pinch dry vol as the base measure, you would see 0 cups in the list since in reality it would be 1/2400 of a cup, which is too small to display (or to be practical) here. Return Table Contents Base Quantity This input line is where you enter the base quantity of the measurement that you wish to have calculated to other measurements. This is the number portion of the base measurement. Enter this either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form ( 3. 5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. . Base Measure Return Table Contents Base Measure This pickline is used to select the desired measure for the base measurement. The measures available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key. You may also double click on this line to bring up the available measures. g When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. Select the desired measurement from the list. Return Table Contents Equivalent Measurements These measurements are those that are equivalent to the quantity and measurement shown in the Base Qty and Measurement lines above. If you have entered a small measurement as the base measure, you may see some measurements the have 0 (zero) as the quantity. This is because these measurements would be so small as to be unmeasureable in practical terms. For example, if you entered 1 pinch dry vol as the base measure, you would see 0 cups in the list since in reality it would be 1/2400 of a cup, which is too small to display (or to be practical) here. You can see the reverse of this by entering a large measurments (like 1 Gallon) as the base measure, and you will see the large quantities of the small measurements that are equivalent. (1 Gallon = 46080 Drops). Return Table Contents Select Common Item This list box allows you to view then existing Common Items. Return Table Contents Select Button This button will select the currently highlighted item in the list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to exit this selection box and NOT select an item. Return Table Contents Edit Button Press this button when you are ready to change the information for this item. You will be taken to the Edit Common Item dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents New Button Press this button when you are ready to add a new item to the list. You will be taken to the Edit Common Item dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you are ready to delete the item highlighted. You will be warned before the item is deleted. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are all done working with the Common Items. Return Table Contents Edit Common Item This is an input line where you enter the name of the Common Item. Examples: 5 Plastic Bags Dishwasher Detergent Shampoo Return Table Contents Edit Store Quantity This input line is where you enter the quantity of the store measurement needed for this Common Item. This is entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form (3.5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. Return Table Contents Edit Store Measure This pickline is used to select the desired measure for the store measurement for this Common Item. The measures available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key, or double-click the left mouse button while the mouse cursor is on the item. Q When you do this, a list box will appear. Select a measurement from the list. Return Table Contents Select Store Name This pickline is where you select the name of the store from which you normally purchase this item. The stores available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key or double-clicking on the line. ` When you do this, a pop-up selection list will appear. Select the desired store from the list. % This name will be used when producing the shopping list (if this item is included in the shopping list), so that all the items purchased from the same store will be grouped together in the list. This will make shopping more efficient by showing what items you need to get from each store. Examples 6 Krogers Safeway Meijers Grocery Warehouse Return Table Contents Edit Location This input line is where you enter the location within the store that you can find this Common Item. This may be an aisle number, department name, grid number, or any other way to describe the location of the item in the store. This will be used when producing the shopping list, so that similarly located items will be grouped together in the list. This will make shopping more efficient by showing what items you need to get from each area in the store. Examples " B1 Meats-Beef Aisle 5 Return Table Contents Edit Store Price This input line is where you can enter the price of this item. The price entered will the the cost of the quantity shown in the Store Measure. { For example, if the store measure is 1 Box Unit, and one box of this Common Item costs $2.45, then you would enter 2.45. F You will not need and will not be able to enter the dollar sign ($). Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. The new information will be saved in place of the old, and you will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button when you are done editing this item, but do not wish to keep any of the changes you have made. You will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Common Items Common Items are simply items that you repeatedly need to remember to purchase when you go shopping, but may or may not show up in the shopping list. By keeping frequently purchased items in a Common List, you can easily add them to the shopping list when you edit it, rather than having to reenter the information if it doesn't happen to show up in the automatic shopping list creation. A common item can be anything you want, but would normally be something that is not in the ingredient file. Common Items would be things like plastic bags, or dishwasher detergent. Such items don't need to be included in the ingredient file since people don't normally cook with them, but need to be replaced periodically when going shopping. Common Items can also be ingredient items that have been added from a shopping list. You may want to have an item in the common item list as well as in the ingredient list to allow you to have different store information for the two entries. This would be handy if you wanted to have an alternate source for a particular item that shows up on the shopping list, or would need to be added to the shopping list. Examples: 5 Plastic Bags Dishwasher Detergent Shampoo Return Table Contents Select Category This list box allows you to view the existing Category names. Return Table Contents SELECT Button This button will select the currently highlighted item in the list. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button to exit this selection box and NOT select an item from the list. Return Table Contents Edit Button Press this button when you are ready to change the information for the item highlighted in the list. You will be taken to the Edit Category dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents New Button Press this button when you are ready to add a new item to the list. You will be taken to the Edit Category dialog box to enter the new Category name. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you are ready to delete the item highlighted. You will be warned before the item is deleted. Return Table Contents Finished Button Press this button when you are all done working with the Categories. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. You will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Edit Category This is an input line where you enter the name of the Category that you wish to add or change. Examples: l Soups and Stews Candies Meat Dishes Foreign Dishes Return Table Contents Configure Screen Colors The Colors dialog box consists of two list boxes, a text display area, the standard OK, Cancel, and Help buttons, and one of the following: On color and black-and-white systems, it also contains two color palettes. On monochrome systems, it contains a set of radio buttons instead of the palettes. This dialog box is where you can change the colors of different parts of this program. Group Background Menus Editor Dialogs Help Window The Group list box contains the names of the different regions of the program that you can customize. L Item Color When you select a group from the Group list, the Item list box displays the names of the different views in that region. Foreground Background On color and black-and-white systems, you use the Foreground and Background palettes to modify colors. Colors ) Mono low ( ) Mono high ( ) Mono underscore ( ) Mono inverse On monochrome systems, you use the Colors set of radio buttons to modify the character attributes. Q Text Text Text Text Text Text On all systems, the display text (above the Help button) shows the current color or attribute settings. S Changes do not take effect until you close the Colors dialog box by choosing OK. Return Table Contents Too Many Files This message box is telling you that there simply are too many files in the current directory to list in the list box. This will not harm anything, it's just telling you that the list box can't show you all the files that there are. Return Table Contents Invalid Drive or Directory You have entered the name of a disk drive or a subdirectory that doesn't exist on the system. You will have to go back and enter a correct one. Return Table Contents Invalid File Name You have entered the name of a file using characters that are not allowed in a file name or you have entered a path that does not exist on your system. You will have to go back and enter a correct one. 7 Characters that are not allowed in DOS filenames are: ; , = + < > | " [ ] \ The space character is also not allowed. Return Table Contents Invalid Directory You have entered the name of a subdirectory that doesn't exist on the system. You will have to go back and enter a correct one. Return Table Contents Calendar The calendar is a visual method of selecting a date. Much confusion is avoided by allowing you to look at a standard calendar display and simply pick the desired date, rather than have you type a date in and hope that you did it in the right format. P With the calendar method you have no doubt as to what day you are selecting. m The calendar appears as a box with the current month in the upper left-hand corner, followed by the year. X Below that are the names of the days of the week, followed by the days of the month. One of those days will appear in a different color or shade of gray, which will denote the currently selected day of the month. To change the currently selected date, you have a number of methods available, depending on whether you use the keyboard or the mouse. + USING THE KEYBOARD ------------------ Changing the Year: f Pressing the CTRL key along with the PAGE DOWN key will cause the current year to decrease by one. c Pressing the CTRL key along with the PAGE UP key will cause the current year to increase by one. Changing the month: The PAGE DOWN key will cause the PREVIOUS month to be displayed. If the current month is January when the PAGE DOWN key is pressed, the month will change to December of the previous year. The PAGE UP key will cause the NEXT month to be displayed. If the current month is December when the PAGE UP key is pressed, the month will change to January of the next year. Changing the Week: UP ARROW will cause the currently selected day to move to the same day of the PREVIOUS week. If that is not possible within the current month, then the 1st of the month will be selected. DOWN ARROW will cause the currently selected day to move to the same day of the NEXT week. If that is not possible within the current month, then the last day of the month will be selected. Changing the Day: RIGHT ARROW will cause the currently selected day to move to the next day. If that is not possible within the current month, the current day will move to the 1st of the month. LEFT ARROW will cause the currently selected day to move to the previous day. If that is not possible withing the current month, the current day will move to the last day of the month. Summary: CTRL-PGDOWN = Previous Year CTRL-PGUP = Next Year PGDOWN = Previous Month PGUP = Next Month UP ARROW = Previous Week DN ARROW = Next Week LEFT ARROW = Previous Day RIGHT ARROW = Next Day Finishing up: When the desired date is highlighted, press the RETURN key or the ESC key. Pressing the RETURN key will select the highlighted day. Pressing the ESC key will NOT select any date from the calendar. & USING THE MOUSE --------------- Changing the Month/Year: Next to the year display at the top of the calendar box are two triangle shaped characters, one pointing up, and one pointing down. $ Clicking the left mouse button on the triangle pointing UP causes the current month to move to the next month. If the current month is December, the next month displayed will be January of the next year. Holding the left mouse button down will cause the months to continuously increase. . Clicking the left mouse button on the triangle pointing DOWN causes the current month to move to the previous month. If the current month is January, the next month displayed will be December of the previous year. Holding the left mouse button down will cause the months to continuously decrease. Changing the Day: Just move the mouse button to the desired day of the month and click the left mouse button on it. That day will become highlighted. Summary: Click on DOWN triangle = Previous month/year Click on UP triangle = Next month/year Click on desired day = Current day of month Finishing up: When the desired date is highlighted, press the close box ( ) located in the upper left hand corner of the calendar box. Select Store This list box allows you to view the existing Store names. u NOTE: Stores are used to identify from which store an ingredient, shopping list, or common items will be purchased. Return Table Contents Store SELECT Button This button will select the currently highlighted item in the list. Return Table Contents Return Table Contents Edit Button Press this button when you are ready to change the information for the item highlighted in the list. You will be taken to the Edit Store dialog box to enter the new data. Return Table Contents New Button Press this button when you are ready to add a new item to the list. You will be taken to the Edit Store dialog box to enter the new Store name. Return Table Contents Delete Button Press this button when you are ready to delete the item highlighted. You will be warned before the item is deleted. Return Table Contents Finished Button Press this button when you are all done working with the Stores. Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. You will be returned to the selection list. Return Table Contents Edit Store This is an input line where you enter the name of the Store that you wish to add or change. Examples: , Meijers Safeway Krogers K-Mart Return Table Contents Create Schedule This warning box is letting you know that Master Chef is about to create a new schedule based on the information in Meal Schedule | Config. 4 ALL EXISTING SCHEDULING INFORMATION WILL BE LOST!! F If you are ready to continue, press the YES button or the ENTER key. Return Table Contents No Schedule Loaded There currently is no schedule selected. This usually happens if you have changed your data path and have not copied the schedule files to the new directory ( they are the ones with the .sch extension. You will need to name a new one or pick an existing one using the Schedule | Load option, or you may do this now if you wish. Return Table Contents No Schedule Master Chef could not find any schedule information, and assumes that you will want to create one. V If it is OK to create one, indicate so by pressing the YES button or the ENTER key. Return Table Contents Dates Scheduled This list box shows the days scheduled. They may or may not have recipe and serving information in them, depending on what you have done so far. m At the top of the dialog box is the name of the schedule file currently in use, shown within brackets []. & To view and edit the contents of a schedule, use the available features of the list box to highlight the desired day. Then either double click on that date with the left mouse button or press the Edit button. You will then see a dialog box showing all of the meals scheduled for that day. Return Table Contents Print Pressing this button will start the process of printing the highlighted meal schedule. It will be printed to the destination defined in h Utilities | Configure | Forms | Brief Schedule Utilities | Configure | Forms | Detailed Schedule. Return Table Contents Print All Pressing this button will start the process of printing all of the days in the schedule. They will be printed to the destination defined in q Utilities | Configure | Forms | Brief Schedule Utilities | Configure | Forms | Detailed Schedule. Return Table Contents Edit Pressing this button will allow you to view or edit the highlighted schedule. Return Table Contents Add Days Pressing this button will cause Master Chef to add the number of days you define to the end of the schedule. These new days will be empty and will need to be worked. The number of days you may enter will be 93 minus the number of days already in the schedule. Any schedule can have up to 93 days in it. Return Table Contents Number Of Days Enter the number of days you wish to add to the schedule. The number of days you may enter will be 93 - the number days already in the schedule. Any schedule can have up to 93 days in it. r If you enter a number and press the Done button, that number of days will be added to the end of your schedule. G If you press the Cancel button, you will cancel the add days option. Return Table Contents Delete Day Pressing this button will cause Master Chef to delete the currently highlighted day from the list. The schedule will then be adjusted to insure that all days in the schedule are consecutive, starting with the date of the first day in the schedule. Return Table Contents Adjust Dates Pressing this button will allow you to enter a new starting date for the schedule. Master Chef will use this date to adjust the dates of all the days in the schedule, without changing any other information in the schedule. g For example, suppose you have a 7 day schedule beginning with March 7th. Your desire is to reuse the schedule information for the following week beginning March 14th. You would select March 14th from the calendar display, and then Master Chef will apply those new dates to the existing schedule, without changing any of the recipes scheduled for those days. Return Table Contents Auto Schedule Pressing this button will begin the Auto Schedule process, which starts up the Auto Schedule Day for each of the days which are listed. B See How Scheduler Works Return Table Contents Done Press this button when you are done working with the schedules. You will be returned to the main menu. Return Table Contents Auto Schedule This message box verifies your desire to start the Auto Scheduler, since doing so will remove all currently planned recipes, and replace them with new ones. d Pressing the YES button ( or Enter) will start the Auto Scheduler for all of the scheduled days. B See How Scheduler Works Return Table Contents Auto Schedule Meal This message box verifies your desire to start the Auto Scheduler, since doing so will remove all currently planned recipes, and replace them with new ones. g Pressing the YES button ( or Enter) will start the Auto Scheduler for the currently displayed meal. t The Auto Scheduler will attempt to assign at random recipes which fit the various courses planned for this meal. B See How Scheduler Works Return Table Contents Auto Schedule Day This message box verifies your desire to start the Auto Scheduler, since doing so will remove all currently planned recipes for ALL MEALS for this day, and replace them with new ones. e Pressing the YES button ( or Enter) will start the Auto Scheduler for the currently displayed day. t The Auto Scheduler will attempt to assign at random recipes which fit the various courses planned for this meal. C See How Scheduler Works Return Table Contents How The Auto Scheduler Works The Auto Scheduler attempts to assign randomly selected recipes to each of the courses in a meal. This assignment is made according to which meals and courses each recipe has been defined to be appropriate for using the Meal Line and Course Line in the Recipe Edit option. K Master Chef first generates a "selection list" from which recipes are randomly selected. To create this list, Master Chef reviews each of the recipes available in the current recipe file for those that have the Use For Automatic Scheduling button set to Yes. Then it checks the Meals and Courses pairs and adds the recipe if: S a) The Meal AND Course for the recipe match the meal AND course to be scheduled. R b) The Meal matches the meal to be scheduled and the Course is blank (indicating / the recipe is appropriate for any Course ). c) The Course matches the course to be scheduled and the Meal is blank (indicating 0 any the recipe is appropriate for any meal). This selection list is recreated for each meal to be scheduled. For each meal scheduled, a recipe is selected from the selection list, and then removed from the list so that it will not be scheduled more than once per meal. When all courses in a particular meal are scheduled, the selection list is emptied. If there are more meals to be scheduled, the selection list is recreated and the process is repeated. The number of servings defined in the Plan Edit main menu option will be used as the number of servings for each course in a meal. Return Table Contents Select Course This is a Pick Line where you can select a course name that will be used for this course. Return Table Contents Select Meal This is a Pick Line where you can select a meal name that will be a used for this meal. Return Table Contents Recipes This pickline is used to select the recipe to be scheduled for this course. The recipes available are shown when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key. When you do this, a filtered recipe selection list will appear. You may also bring up the list by double clicking the left mouse button on the recipe line. Note: w The automatic filtering feature can be turned off using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. Return Table Contents Servings This input line allows you to enter the number of servings scheduled for this recipe. This number will be used to determine the scaling of the recipe planned and the amounts of each of the ingredients needed to prepare the recipe. It is also used to compute the total nutrients for the recipes and the meal when the Totals button is pressed. This number is originally derived from the Meal Plan, and is considered a starting point for planning this meal. If the meal plan calls for 5 servings, but you realize you need to serve 10, change the number to 10. The recipe selected for this course will be scaled accordingly when being printed or when the shopping list is being created. (The original recipe quantities in the recipe file will not be changed.) If you enter the number 0 in this input line, then the number of servings defined in the recipe itself will be used as the number of servings. In other words, the recipe scheduled will not be scaled. Return Table Contents Totals Pressing this button will cause Master Chef to compute and display the PER SERVING nutrient content of this meal, including all recipes planned, and taking into consideration the serving size. The nutrient display will show the planned number of food exchanges for this meal compared to the actual number of food exchanges scheduled, based on the food exchanges for each recipe. G Also displayed are the 19 nutrients for the meal as well as calories. x This display can be used to keep track of the dietary content of the meal, and help you make adjustments as necessary. k Finally, the total cost and cost per serving for all of the recipes scheduled for the meal are displayed. Return Table Contents Auto Schedule Meal Pressing this button will begin the Auto Schedule process, which automatically and randomly selects a recipe for each of the courses which are named under the "courses" column. The Auto Scheduler goes through the recipe file looking for a recipe that has not already been scheduled for that meal, and one that has been defined to match the current meal and course being scheduled. d The Auto Scheduler will also use the current meal plan to schedule the correct number of servings. B See How Scheduler Works Return Table Contents Print Schedule Pressing this button will start the process of printing this meal schedule. It will be printed in the detailed style, and sent to the destination defined in Utilities | Configure | Forms | Detailed Schedule. Return Table Contents Print Recipe Pressing this button will print the recipe scheduled for the course that the cursor is currently on. The servings will be reset to that defined in the schedule. The recipe will be printed to the destination defined in Utilities | Configure | Forms | (Recipe Cards) or (Recipes Full Page). Return Table Contents Print All Recipes Pressing this button will print all of the recipes scheduled for this meal. The servings will be reset to that defined in the schedule. The recipes will be printed to the destination defined in Utilities | Configure | Forms | (Recipe Cards) or (Recipes Full Page). Return Table Contents Clear Recipe Pressing this button will erase the recipe scheduled for the course that the cursor is currently on. The servings will be reset to that defined in the meal plan. Return Table Contents Done Press this button when you are done editing this meal. You will be returned to the daily schedule display. Return Table Contents Done Press this button when you are done viewing the totals. Return Table Contents Meal Name These picklines show the names of the meals scheduled for this day. The names come from the Meal Plan, which in turn uses the names defined in Misc Courses main menu option. The meal edit dialog box becomes available when you press any key except the TAB, SHIFT-TAB, ESC, and BACKSPACE key. You may do this by double clicking the left mouse button on the course name. Return Table Contents Totals (Day) Pressing this button will cause Master Chef to compute and display the PER SERVING nutrient content for all the meals scheduled for the day, including all recipes planned, and taking into consideration the serving size. The nutrient display will show the planned number of food exchanges for this day compared to the actual number of food exchanges scheduled (based on the food exchanges for each recipe). G Also displayed are the 19 nutrients for the meal as well as calories. This display can be used to keep track of the dietary content of the scheduled meals for the day, and make adjustments as necessary. j Finally, the total cost and cost per serving for all of the recipes scheduled for the day are displayed. Return Table Contents Auto Schedule Day Pressing this button will begin the Auto Schedule process, which starts up the Meal Scheduler for each of the meals which are named for this day. E See How Scheduler Works Return Table Contents Apply Meal Plan Pressing this button will allow you to select a meal plan to be assigned to this days' schedule. This will possibly change the meals and courses scheduled for this day. Return Table Contents Print Schedule Pressing this button will start the process of printing all the meals scheduled for this day. All of meals which are defined (having a name and appearing in the Edit Day dialog box) will be printed. They will be printed to the destination defined in l Utilities | Configure | Forms | Brief Schedule or Utilities | Configure | Forms | Detailed Schedule. Return Table Contents Done Press this button when you are done editing this day's schedule. You will be returned to the Schedules display. Return Table Contents Fewer Days You have just specified a schedule with less days in it than the existing schedule now has. Master Chef needs to know what to do now with those extra days. If you wish to have the number of days in the schedule adjust to the number specified, press the Yes button. Master Chef will then add new days to the end of the existing schedule. If you do not, press either the No button, or press the ESC key. No new days will be added to the schedule, but the number you specified will be held until the next time you Create a Schedule. Return Table Contents Adjust Schedule You have just finished entering new schedule options, and Master Chef wants to know if they should be applied to the existing schedule. This means that the schedule dates will be adjusted to the starting date you entered, and the duration of the schedule will be adjusted to that specified. If you wish to do this, press the Yes button. You will also be prompted again before changing the length of the schedule. This will give you the opportunity to change the length of the next schedule you Create, but not change the existing one. ~ If you do not wish the new options to be applied to the existing schedule, press either the No button or press the ESC key. Return Table Contents Bad Date When selecting a new date as the beginning date of the schedule, you must select a date that is not already used in the schedule. The dates shown are the dates you cannot use at this time. Reselect a date that is outside the range of dates shown. Return Table Contents Schedule Updated The schedule update is completed, meaning the dates have been updated with the date specified, and if you allowed it, the length of the schedule has been adjusted. - Press the RETURN or ESC key to continue. Return Table Contents Apply Servings You have just completed editing the Meal Plan, and Master Chef wants to know if it should apply any changes you may have made in the default number of servings in the meal plan for each of the meals to the existing schedule. If so, press the Yes button. 3 If not, press the No button or press the ESC key. Return Table Contents Schedule Updated The schedule update is completed, meaning the default number of servings have been applied to the existing schedule. * Press the RETURN or ESC key to continue. Return Table Contents Brief Style Pressing this button will select the Brief Style of schedule to print. The brief style takes up less room on the paper and includes only the meals and recipes planned for each day. Return Table Contents Detailed Style Pressing this button will select the Detailed Style of Schedule to print. The brief style takes up more room on the paper and includes all the Schedule information for each meal. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Pressing this button will cancel this printing session. Return Table Contents New Schedule Name This is a special input line that works like either a standard input line or a pick line. You can either type in a new name or pick one from a list. If you enter a name that already exists and you press the Done Button, it will be loaded. If you enter a name of a schedule that does not exist and press the Done Button, a new one will be created for you to edit. ( If you wish to select from existing schedules, then press the down arrow or double click the left mouse button on the name field or single click on the down arrow in the small box to the right. This will cause a list box to appear with the names of existing schedules for you to pick from. Return Table Contents Done Button Pressing this button will cause the selected schedule to be loaded or created. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Pressing this button will exit you from this dialog box WITHOUT loading or creating a new schedule. Return Table Contents Configure Printer Codes This dialog box allows you to change a number features which are common to most of the various forms available. ! The features to configure are: h Normal Characters Normal Characters Narrow Characters Narrow Characters Normal Spacing Normal Lines Narrow Spacing Narrow Lines Turn Characters Turn Characters Form Reset Enable Characters Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. The new information will be saved in place of the old. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button when you are done editing this item, but you do not wish to keep the changes you have made to this item. The new information will NOT be saved in place of the old. Return Table Contents Printer Code for Normal Character Printing This input line allows you to enter the printer code necessary to cause the printer to print normal sized letters. This is commonly 10 or 12 CPI. U See All About Printer Codes for information on printer codes and how to enter them. F Return Configure Generic Features Return Table Contents Characters Per Inch (Normal) This input line allows you to enter a number which is the number of characters per inch that the code above it represents. z For example, if you have entered the printer code for 10 CPI printing, then you would enter a 10 here. Think of it this way, the "Printer Code" line tells the PRINTER how many characters per inch to print, and the " Characters Per Inch" line tells MASTER CHEF how many characters per inch the printer is printing. That way Master Chef can know how to control the printer. I Return Configure Generic Features Return Table Contents Printer Code for Narrow Printing This input line allows you to enter the printer code necessary to cause the printer to print narrow letters, many times referred to as compressed print. This is commonly 16 or 17 CPI, but you may decide to enter a code which causes your printer to print smaller characters, such as 20 CPI. This would make your printouts more narrow. U See All About Printer Codes for information on printer codes and how to enter them. F Return Configure Generic Features Return Table Contents Characters Per Inch (Narrow) This input line allows you to enter a number which is the number of characters per inch that the code above it represents. For example, if you have entered the printer code for 16 Characters Per Inch (CPI) printing, then you would enter 16 here. Think of it this way, the "Printer Code" line tells the PRINTER how many characters per inch to print, and the "Characters Per Inch" line tells MASTER CHEF how many characters per inch the printer is printing. That way Master Chef can know how to control the printer. I Return Configure Generic Features Return Table Contents Printer Code for Normal Line Spacing This input line allows you to enter the printer code necessary to cause the printer to print normal spaced lines. This is commonly 6 Lines Per Inch (LPI). U See All About Printer Codes for information on printer codes and how to enter them. F Return Configure Generic Features Return Table Contents Lines Per Inch (Normal) This input line allows you to enter a number which defines the number of lines per inch that the code above it represents. { For example, if you have entered the printer code for 6 Lines Per Inch (LPI) printing, then you would enter an 6 here. Think of it this way, the " Printer Code" line tells the PRINTER how many lines per inch to print, and the "Lines Per Inch" line tells MASTER CHEF how many lines per inch the printer is printing. That way Master Chef can know how to control the printer. I Return Configure Generic Features Return Table Contents Printer Code for Narrow Line Spacing This input line allows you to enter the printer code necessary to cause the printer to print narrow line spacing. This is commonly 8 Lines Per Inch (LPI). U See All About Printer Codes for information on printer codes and how to enter them. F Return Configure Generic Features Return Table Contents Lines Per Inch (Narrow) This input line allows you to enter a number which defines the number of characters per inch that the code above it represents. z For example, if you have entered the printer code for 8 Lines Per Inch (LPI) printing, then you would enter an 8 here. Think of it this way, the "Printer Code" line tells the PRINTER how many lines per inch to print, and the "Lines Per Inch" line tells MASTER CHEF how many lines per inch the printer is printing. That way Master Chef can know how to control the printer. I Return Configure Generic Features Return Table Contents Printer Code To Turn On Bold Characters This input line allows you to enter the printer code necessary to cause the printer to print bold characters, sometimes called enhanced characters. Although BOLD is specified, you could decide to enter codes which causes the printer to use some other feature, such as underlining. U See All About Printer Codes for information on printer codes and how to enter them. F Return Configure Generic Features Return Table Contents Printer Code To Turn Off Bold Characters This input line allows you to enter the printer code necessary to turn off the printer mode that was turned on with BOLD ON code. U See All About Printer Codes for information on printer codes and how to enter them. F Return Configure Generic Features Return Table Contents Printer Code For Form Feed This input line allows you to enter the printer code used by the printer to advance to the next page. This is typically called Formfeed. U See All About Printer Codes for information on printer codes and how to enter them. F Return Configure Generic Features Return Table Contents Printer Code For Printer Reset This input line allows you to enter the printer code used by the printer to reset itself to the initial power-on condition. This should reset all aspects of the printer, just as if you turned the printer off and then back on. U See All About Printer Codes for information on printer codes and how to enter them. F Return Configure Generic Features Return Table Contents Select IBM Box Character Set This is a single Check Box which tells the program whether or not to send the IBM Box Characters to the printer. These are sometimes referred to as the extended ASCII character set. These characters include those that are used to form boxes and other items on the screen. Some printers can print these characters, some can not. F Some examples of these characters are shown in the sample box below: A similar box printed without the IBM Box Character Set would look like: +========================================+ | | +----------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | ====__________________________ | | | +========================================+ Return Table Contents Done Button Press this button when you are done editing this item. The new information will be saved in place of the old. Return Table Contents Cancel Button Press this button when you are done editing this item, but you do not wish to keep the changes you have made to this item. The new information will NOT be saved in place of the old. Return Table Contents Initialization Code This is a printer code which will initialize your printer to whatever mode you wish it to be in to print this form. This initialization code could set the printer up for a particular type style or perhaps set it to draft mode or letter quality mode. This is also where you could put the printer codes to tell the printer what size paper you have in the printer if it is not the standard 8.5" X 11" size. I See All About Printer Codes for information on how to enter this code. Return Table Contents Normal Line Spacing This radio button allows you to select the normal line spacing as defined in Lines (Normal) in the Utilities | Configure | Printer | Codes. Return Table Contents Narrow Line Spacing This radio button allows you to select the narrow line spacing as defined in Lines (Narrow) in the Utilities | Configure | Printer | Codes. Return Table Contents Normal Character Width This radio button allows you to select the normal character width as defined in Characters (Normal) in the Utilities | Configure | Printer | Codes. Return Table Contents Narrow Character Width This radio button allows you to select the narrow character width as defined in Characters (Narrow) in the Utilities | Configure | Printer | Codes. Return Table Contents Page Width This is an input line which allows you to enter the width of the page in inches. If you are using an 8 1/2" X 11" paper, then you would enter 8.5 here. Page Width is entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form ( 3. 5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. Return Table Contents Page Length This is an input line which allows you to enter the length of the form in inches. If you are using an 8 1/2" X 11" paper as your form, then you would enter 11.0 here. Page Length is entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form ( 3. 5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. Return Table Contents Top Margin This is an input line which allows you to enter the number of inches that will be used for the top margin of the page. Top Margin is entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form ( 3. 5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. Return Table Contents Bottom Margin This is an input line which allows you to enter the number of inches that will be used for the bottom margin of the page. Top Margin is entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form ( 3. 5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. Return Table Contents Left Margin This is an input line which allows you to enter the number of inches that will be used for the left margin of the form. Left Margin is entered either in a fractional form (3 1/2) or a decimal form ( 3. 5) depending on how you have the system configured using the Utilities Configure Special Options main menu option. Return Table Contents Print To Radio Button used to select where this form is to be sent...either to the printer itself or to a disk file. Return Table Contents Print To Printer Selecting this button will send the form directly to the printer (at the time you tell Master Chef to print). Return Table Contents Print To Disk Selecting this button will send the form to the disk file specified in Disk Print To (at the time you tell Master Chef to print). Return Table Contents Form Feed Advance This tells Master Chef to send the Form Feed code to the printer to advance the paper to the next page. This will work for your printer if you have defined the paper size to be exactly what you have in the printer using the Initialization Code line. Return Table Contents Line Feed Advance This tells Master Chef to compute and send a series of Line Feed codes to the printer to advance the paper to the next page. This is handy to use if you do not know how to setup your printer to work with a particular page size other than the standard 8.5" X 11" size. Master Chef will use the size defined in the Form Length lines above to compute how many line feeds are necessary to advance the paper to the next form. Return Table Contents Disk File To Print To This combination input line/pickline will alloww you to enter or select the name of a disk file that this form should be sent to if you have the "disk file" button selected. If you do not enter anything in this box, and you select disk file as the destination of this form, it will be sent to a file called "PRINT.OUT." To activate the File Select Box, press the Down Arrow key, double click the left mouse button while the mouse cursor is on the line, or click on the down arrow in the small box to the right of the input line. Master Chef will tell you if you are using a filename or extension that is reserved for it's internal use. Currently those filenames and extensions are: Reserved Filenames 'category.dat' 'cmnitems.dat' 'Courses.dat' 'equiv.dat' 'exchange.dat' 'Ingred.dat' 'meals.dat' 'mtypes.dat' 'munits.dat' 'shoplist.dat' 'schopt.dat' 'foods.dat' 'stores.dat' 'printers.dat' 'printer.def' 'sysInfo.def' 'colors.def' 'regist.dat' Reserved Extensions: '.rec' '.sch' '.tpl' '.sl' See also Valid Filenames Return Table Contents Forms Per Page Depending on the size of the page and the items you are printing, you may want Master Chef to print more than one form (the thing you are printing) on the page (the paper or card in the printer). In most cases, this will be one, but if you are printing recipe cards and are using standard 8.5" X 11" paper, you may want to set this to 2 or 3 to get more use of the paper. Return Table Contents All About Printer Codes Printer codes are nothing more than special characters that are sent to a printer to cause it to change the way it prints characters or to do something with the paper. Very often these special characters are unprintable, and will not show up on the screen. Most of them cannot be directly typed in from the keyboard. So how do we enter them in order to configure the printer to do what we want? We have to use a somewhat roundabout way to enter them by using characters which are printable and displayable and can be entered with the keyboard. Each special character used as a print code is represented in the computer as a number. For example, the letter A is represented in the computer with the number 65. The ESC key is represented in the computer with the number 27. Knowing this, we can enter the special characters by typing in the number of the character, and let the computer convert that number into the special character required by the printer. The various input lines used by the program understand this relationship, and will accept as input the numbers that represent the various special characters required by the printer. For example, most Epson compatible printers use the ESC character followed by the @ character to reset. Since the ESC character is used by the program to control the windows and dialog boxes, it cannot be typed directly into the input line. Therefore, since the number 27 represents the ESC character and since the number 64 represents the @ character, these two numbers can be entered into the input line to tell the computer to send ESC @ when it needs to reset the printer. In addition to the numbers, we also need to some type of separator character to tell the computer where one number ends and the other begins. This is done with the slash character: (/). L This then would be the entry for the RESET code for this example printer: /27/64 Where do you get the printer codes for your printer? This is where you will have to dig into your printer manuals and locate the "Printer Commands" or "Printer Control Codes" table. It may have some other title but it will be somewhere in your manual and will list all the different code sequences needed for the various features for your printer. Some printer manuals list these both as decimal values or hexadecimal values. Make sure you use the DECIMAL values. The hexadecimal values can be recognized by the fact that they will, in many cases, include one or more of the letters A-F in the number(such as A0 or BF). The printer code input lines will only accept the letters 0-9 and the slash (/) character. y The input lines can accept up to 255 characters, so you can enter quite a long sequence of printer codes if necessary. < See Input Lines for details on how to use an input line. Return Table Contents Print-to File Exists Master Chef is trying to print the form you selected (recipe, schedule, shopping list or something like that) to the disk file you designated in the Utilities | Configure | Forms option. It has found that the file already exists. You have the choice of having this current form added to the end of that file (appended) or having the file cleaned out and used only for this current form (overwritten). If you choose to have the file overwritten, the only thing that will be in that file will be this latest form. Everything that was in the file will be erased. p If you wish to keep what is in the file and add this latest form to it, press N or click on the "NO" button. p If you wish to clean out the file and have just this latest form in it, press Y or click on the "YES" button. Return Table Contents No Filename It appears as though the path you entered is empty. You need to enter a valid filename in order to continue. Return Table Contents Valid Filenames A valid filename consists of a drive letter followed by a colon, a subdirectory name(s), a filename (8 characters or less), and an extension (a dot followed by up to 3 letters). For example: c:\mc\data\cardfile.prt Extension Filename subdirectory Drive Letter Return Table Contents Non-Existant Directory The (sub)directory you entered does not exist on the drive that you specified. You need to be sure that the directory that you enter is a valid one for the disk that you specify. B See No Filename for info on entering directories and filenames. Return Table Contents Filename Used The filename that you have entered is reserved for use by Master Chef, and cannot be used for your forms. You must select or enter another filename. Return Table Contents Printer Error While trying to print, the error you see in the message box occurred. You need to correct this problem if possible, or press the ESCape key to cancel this printing session. See Error Codes Error Codes The following are some of the error codes you may see in Master Chef. # Code Number Meaning ============================================================= 2 COULDN'T FIND THE FILE 3 COULDN'T FIND THE PATH 4 TOO MANY OPEN FILES 5 FILE ACCESS DENIED 6 INVALID FILE HANDLE 12 INVALID FILE ACCESS MODE 15 INVALID DRIVE NUMBER 16 CANNOT REMOVE CURRENT DIRECTORY 17 CANNOT RENAME ACROSS DRIVES 100 DISK READ ERROR (READ PAST END OF FILE) 101 DISK WRITE ERROR (USUALLY DISK FULL) 102 FILE NOT ASSIGNED 103 FILE NOT OPEN 104 FILE NOT OPEN FOR INPUT 105 FILE NOT OPEN FOR OUTPUT 106 INVALID NUMERIC FORMAT 150 DISK IS WRITE PROTECTED 151 UNKNOWN UNIT 152 PRINTER IS NOT READY 153 UNKNOWN COMMAND 154 CRC ERROR IN DATA 155 BAD DRIVE REQUEST STRUCTURE LENGTH 156 DISK SEEK ERROR 157 UNKNOWN MEDIA TYPE 158 SECTOR NOT FOUND 159 PRINTER OUT OF PAPER 160 PRINTER PROBLEM...CAN'T PRINT 161 DEVICE READ FAULT 162 HARDWARE FAILURE (REAL PROBLEMS) Return Table Contents Select Printer This list box shows you the pre-defined printers that are available for use with Master Chef. If you cannot find your printer in this list, then look for a printer that yours emulates. If you can't find one of those, then select Utilities | Configure | Printer Codes and enter the codes for your printer directly. Return Table Contents No Printer List! Master Chef could not find the printer data file needed. This may be because the data path under Utilities | Configure | System is not set correctly. Check this and make sure it is correct. Also make sure that the PRINTERS.DAT file is in that directory. Return Table Contents